July, 2024

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How the Internet Neighborhood is Like Any Other Community

Ask a Tech Teacher

Education has changed. Teachers no longer lecture from a dais with student learning contained within the schoolhouse walls. Thanks to the pervasiveness of easy-to-use and free web-based tools, most teachers have one or more computers in the classroom with internet access. Because of this, educators have come to expect students to participate actively in the learning process and transfer their knowledge from the classroom to life.

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An Education Chatbot Company Collapsed. Where Did the Student Data Go?

ED Surge

When Los Angeles Unified School District launched a districtwide AI chatbot nicknamed “Ed” in March, officials boasted that it represented a revolutionary new tool that was only possible thanks to generative AI — a personal assistant that could point each student to tailored resources and assignments and playfully nudge and encourage them to keep going.

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CSTA Day Three

Computer Science Teacher

Before I start on my day three report, I want to suggest people look at Mike Zamansky’s Day Two report on his blog. We attended mostly different sessions and he takes really good notes. My first session of the day - Keep Calm and AI On. I’m proctoring this session. There are a bunch of other good sessions at the same time. Heavy FOMO sigh. This one is by classroom teachers.Another packed session on AI.

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STEM Learning: FREE National Online Mentoring

All About STEM

STEM Learning offers a free national online mentoring scheme for teenagers in partnership with The Brightside Trust. The scheme is designed to help 13-19-year-olds explore their future career options by chatting with trained and experienced STEM professionals. Young people can: The programme is fully funded so participation is free for UK students.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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10 Quick, Fun Math Warm-Up Activities

Accelerate Learning

Creating an environment that allows students to engage with fun math activities, versus rote memorization, helps students learn better and encourages more participation and confidence. Math warm-ups are short activities that start each math class. They are a powerful tool for engaging students, making math fun, and setting a positive tone for the lesson.

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The Case for Why Handwriting is Still an Essential Skill for Students

Ask a Tech Teacher

An article on NPR caught my eye. First, because it was on a topic many consider settled science–haven’t we moved on from handwriting to keyboarding ? Audio even? If you poll schools, you’ll find that many continue to teach handwriting, partly because without it, how can adults sign checks and contracts? But also, because there are undeniable cognitive benefits students experience through the process of learning to write: Enhanced memory and learning : Handwriting improves reten

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What Students From Rural Communities Think College Leaders Should Know

ED Surge

During her first semester at Southern Methodist University, Savannah Hunsucker went on a retreat with the other students enrolled in her leadership scholars program. The event took them away from the Dallas campus and into the Texas countryside. “I remember everybody looking up and being surprised to see stars in the night sky, and I thought that was so odd,” Hunsucker says.

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CSTA Day One

Computer Science Teacher

Day one for me was the chapter leadership summit. I got talked into the New Hampshire chapter treasurer role. The first thing I did was to connect with the other NH chapter leaders and catch up a bit. I also got to talk to some leaders from other chapters. A great opportunity to met new people and see what other chapters are doing. The Maine chapter has some nice polo shirts that I hope we can do in NH.

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Planning: 25 Ideas for NAW2025!

All About STEM

Amazing Apprenticeships has created a brilliant three-page guide, packed with hints and tips for schools and colleges for National Apprenticeship Week 2025. National Apprenticeship Week aims to showcase and celebrate apprentices, employers and training providers. It’s the perfect time for students to discover the amazing benefits and opportunities apprenticeships can offer.

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Harnessing The Power Of Math Manipulatives

Mathematics, a subject steeped in abstract concepts, often poses challenges to students, especially those in grades 5-10. But imagine a bridge that transformed this intricate maze into an interactive adventure.

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9 Habit-Stacking Tips for Low-Key Summer Prep

Middle Web

You need your break! Don't fill your summer ruminating endlessly about lessons and classes to come. Instead try the “habit stacking” strategy and prepare for the next school year without getting mired in the weeds. Teacher and coach Miriam Plotinsky shares nine possibilities. The post 9 Habit-Stacking Tips for Low-Key Summer Prep first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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Gamification in the Classroom: Learning through Play

STEM Discovery Education

It’s news to no one that kids like gaming. Say the word ‘game’ in an elementary school classroom and watch children’s ears collectively prick up, suddenly interested. Historically, games may have been reserved for the end of the school day or otherwise ‘bonus’ time. Nowadays, however, they are becoming a fundamental part of everyday instruction. […] The post Gamification in the Classroom: Learning through Play appeared first on Discovery Education Blog.

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21 SAT/ACT Prep Online Resources

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are popular online resources to prepare for ACT and SAT tests ( click for updated list ): Albert Online — lots of SAT practice exams, including subject areas. College Board Kaplan Test Prep Khan Academy reading-writing-practice Mindsnacks SAT Vocabulary –a big part of succeeding on the SAT essay is knowing the right word Number2.com –for SAT, ACT, GRE Perfect Score Project- -to prepare for SATs Prep Factory –for SATs, ACTs, other Quizlet –hundreds of SAT vocabulary prep flashcards UWorld S

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Do Shocking College Tuition Prices Reflect What Students Actually Pay?

ED Surge

It’s no secret that high school students are looking at the prospect of college more skeptically , and a large part of their hesitation comes from worry about taking on thousands of dollars in student loans. Parsing education data into snack-sized servings. It’s only natural that they would experience sticker shock after researching the annual cost of attendance at universities that have caught their eye — which might be equivalent to a parent’s annual salary.

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Downloadable Design Briefs for an Integrative STEM Curriculum

These easy-to-use design briefs outline student objectives, challenges, and materials needed to complete each 30-minute to 4-hour lesson. ITEEA’s Integrative STEM curriculum, Engineering byDesign, includes many more standards driven hands-on activities just like these!

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CSTA 2024 Exhibit Hall

Computer Science Teacher

The exhibit hall was impressive this year. I believe three are something like 80 exhibitors. Below is a snapshot of s few of them that caught my eye. The usual suspects are here of course. Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. You'd think Apple would be here if you'd never been to an educational technology conference. They are not here. I am surprised that Code.Org doesn't have a booth.

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Employers Self-Assessment: Careers Education

All About STEM

The Careers & Enterprise Company links schools and colleges to employers and helps them deliver world-class careers support for all young people. The CEC offers a self-assessment tool for employers to see how effectively your business is delivering careers education. “Employer Standards is a framework and tool designed to help businesses prepare young people to be career-ready.

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5 Engaging First Day of School Activities for Your STEM Classroom

Stem Activities for Kids

Get ready for your first day of school with STEM! While I recommend starting with a quick introduction of rules and procedures (which you can reiterate for the first several class sessions), don’t miss this opportunity to make a meaningful (and FUN) connection on your first day in STEM class and get students pumped about what’s to come! 1 – Try a Creative All About Me Activity with a STEM Focus!

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How Discovery Education Helps Solve 3 Summer Program Challenges 

STEM Discovery Education

Summer school programs are an ideal way to provide learning recovery and reinforce critical math and reading skills. Yet, developing an effective summer program can come with unique challenges. Leaders have less time to plan and fewer teachers to help students who need the most support. Discovery Education Experience, DreamBox Math, and DreamBox Reading programs […] The post How Discovery Education Helps Solve 3 Summer Program Challenges appeared first on Discovery Education Blog.

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Preparing Students for Future Careers with Soft Skills Training on Financial Decisions

Ask a Tech Teacher

Last summer, I helped my niece create a cookie stand. She learned not only about baking but how to budget for supplies, manage earnings, and communicate with customers, which taught her money management while boosting her confidence in handling real-life business scenarios. These are the soft skills associated with financial literacy. The Ask a Tech Teacher team has put them together into an article to remind students–and teachers what students should know when they leave high school: Pre

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Orientation Is the First Step to Finding Belonging in College. It Is Changing Post-Pandemic.

ED Surge

Colleges are adjusting to a lingering impact of COVID-19 shutdowns that kept kids out of physical schools at key points in their social development: It’s harder than it used to be to teach students to adjust to college life when so many are coming to campuses nervous about making social connections. As a result, many colleges and universities are rethinking their freshman orientation programs, adding new options and doing more to help students forge relationships.

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CSTA Day Two

Computer Science Teacher

Day two starts with sessions for ALL attendees. I started proctoring a session called Classroom To Career – CS Curriculum With a Purpose. This was a session presented by Oracle Academy. Oracle presents these teaching resources and training for free. Always a popular price point for teachers. The curriculum is built for teachers and teachers can pick and choose which parts of it they want to use.

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Green Careers Week 2024

All About STEM

National Careers Week has announced that Green Careers Week will return for it’s third year from the 4th to the 9th of November 2024! Green Careers Week is supported by fantastic partners including The Department of Education, STEM Learning, UK Space Agency, National Careers Service, the Department of Education and the Careers & Enterprise Company.

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My Lord of the Flies Unit: Believing and Doubting

Middle Web

Lord of the Flies by William Golding remains a riveting, relevant book for middle school because of its themes of survival, power, and leadership. Laurie Hornik’s PBL unit also teaches students to appreciate and practice multiple perspectives and be open to changing their minds. The post My Lord of the Flies Unit: Believing and Doubting first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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Fun & Effective Strategies for Incorporating Summer STEM

Starfish Education

Most kids forget a lot of what they learned during the summer. Here are some fun, effective things that you can do to engage kids in STEM activities!

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How to Choose the Right Online Tutor for Your Child

Ask a Tech Teacher

With the increased popularity of online tutors, the Ask a Tech Teacher team has come up with some guidelines to help you select the right one for your child: How to Choose the Right Online Tutor for Your Child As many as a third of kids are given a leg up in their learning efforts by professional tutors, so there’s a high chance you’re considering this option for your child.

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What All High Schools Can Draw From Career and Technical Education Programs

ED Surge

My colleagues feverishly jotted down notes as one of my students, Ethan, moved through his presentation on how educators can more intentionally use AI in their classes. Ethan, a high school junior studying to become a secondary history teacher in our Academy for Teaching and Learning, was presenting findings from his extensive research to the staff at our school.

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CSTA Day Four

Computer Science Teacher

Last day of the conference and I woke up to news of a global network outage that was causing delays in thousands of flights. Including my trip home. Oh well. I wonder if I will need this fan that was in the conference bag at the airport. I hear it is crowded. I still jumped into the conference though. My first session was AP Computer Science A: Using Data Files for Authentic Problem Solving.

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CREST Awards & BSA: Plastic FREE July!

All About STEM

To celebrate #PlasticFreeJuly, The British Science Association has shared a new blog about ways to get involved. You can find tips on how to make everyday changes, there are links to school challenges and planet-friendly activities like The Big Plastic Count. You can discover more about The British Science Festival and (last but by no means least), there are CREST Awards!

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We Can't Directly Teach Dispositions, We Must Enculturate Them - Mindset 2

Know Adam's Blog

In the book Cultures of Thinking in Action , author Dr. Ron Ritchhart builds on his 25 years of work leading Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, to provide a practical resource for teachers who are “eager to cultivate a culture of thinking in their schools and their classrooms.” The book sets out ten essential mindsets that encapsulate “the core ideas we as educators must seek to develop in ourselves” before we can start building a culture of thinking.