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Why STEM is Important for Students, Schools, and Society

Accelerate Learning

The buzz around STEM education continues to grow as teachers discover how it builds creative problem-solving through connections to real-world applications.

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The 8 Elements of Critical Thinking

Educators Technology

We live in a world that is increasingly inundated with all types of information. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning till we go to bed at night, our minds are incessantly stimulated and a big part of this stimulation stems from our digital devices. It is true that there has never been a time in human history where information and knowledge are as plentiful and readily accessible as they are today.


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6 Tech Activities for Your Summer School Program

Ask a Tech Teacher

With the growing interest in tech comes a call for summer school programs that supersize student enthusiasm for technology. If you’ve been tasked (or voluntold) to run this activity, here are six activities that will tech-infuse participants: Debate. Working in groups, students research opposite sides of an issue, then debate it in front of class.

Schooling 503
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What is Mastery Learning and How Do You Implement It Effectively?

Cool Cat Teacher

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter. Mastery learning (also called competency-based learning) is being used in some classes and schools. Jon Bergmann, author of the Mastery Learning Handbook talks about how he uses mastery learning in his chemistry and physics classrooms. He discusses common mistakes when teachers implement mastery learning as well as the types of classes that work well with mastery learning.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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5 Reasons the Productive Struggle Belongs in STEM

Accelerate Learning

It may be hard to watch students struggle, but facing the challenges of learning with the right attitude and seeing how missteps can lead to greater success is the greatest lesson of all. Here are the top 5 reasons why a productive struggle is beneficial to learning and in building resilience in students.

STEM 246

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Best Math Websites for Teachers and Students

Educators Technology

The list below features a collection of some of the best math websites for teachers and students. I have been constantly updating the list to keep the resources fresh and relevant. The initial.read more.

Math 362
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9 Ways to Add Tech to your Lessons Without Adding Time to Your Day

Ask a Tech Teacher

I update these suggestions every few years to remind teachers there are easy ways to techify your lessons even on a tight schedule. I’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments about how you do this in your classes: Because I teach graduate classes for educators, I talk to lots of teachers all over the country. It’s become clear that for most of them, adding technology to their lessons means layering more work on top of their already overburdened lesson plans.

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Growth Mindset for Kids

Accelerate Learning

Knowing that research backs up the idea that what students believe about their potential has a significant impact on their success, how do we use this to increase achievement?

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13 Websites That Provide Lots of Digital Books for Summer Reading

Ask a Tech Teacher

At the beginning of the 21st century, the definition of digital equity revolved around the provision of a digital device to every student. Usually, that meant desktop computers, iPads, and laptops, either in small groups or 1:1. As digital equity discussions matured and hyperbole became reality, educators found that those loudly-touted digital devices often became paperweights.

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Harnessing The Power Of Math Manipulatives

Mathematics, a subject steeped in abstract concepts, often poses challenges to students, especially those in grades 5-10. But imagine a bridge that transformed this intricate maze into an interactive adventure.

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Top 10 Hits and Misses for 2021

Ask a Tech Teacher

Since we at Ask a Tech Teacher started this blog thirteen years ago, we’ve had almost 5.6 million views from visitors, about 10,000 followers who have read some or all of our 2,731 articles on integrating technology into the classroom. This includes tech tips, website/app reviews, tech-in-ed pedagogy, how-tos, videos, and more. We have regular features like: Weekly Websites and Tech Tips ( sign up for the newsletter ).

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13 Websites on Architecture/Engineering

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are a few of the popular resources teachers are using for Architecture and Engineering: Architecture. ASCEville –Civil engineering jobs, activities. Autodesk HomeDesigner –free; for olders or HS. Classroom Architect. The Geometry of Sustainable Architecture –in Google Earth. Design. Design Evo –create logos for free. Engineering. ASCEville –Civil engineering jobs, activities.

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7 websites to teach fake news

Ask a Tech Teacher

We wrote about fake news earlier this week ( How to defeat fake news–one teacher’s ideas ). Here are additional resources you’ll find helpful in teaching about this topic: Fake News game — from BBC. How to spot fake news — a video. Interview with a fake news creator. Make your own Fake News –with the Inspect tool (video); idea: change a website; ask students if they can tell it’s now fake.

Teaching 492
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HS Financial Training Classes

Ask a Tech Teacher

Such an important topic, especially as we see kids aren’t graduating with basic knowledge of budgeting, paying bills, and more. CNBC has a great article on one of their blogs on this subject you’ll appreciate: High schools, scrambling to prep Gen Z for the real world, are teaching students to make and manage money. We at Ask a Tech Teacher have written often about financial literacy.

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How Minecraft Teaches Reading, Writing and Problem Solving

Ask a Tech Teacher

A while ago, Scientific American declared “…“ not only is Minecraft immersive and creative, but it is an excellent platform for making almost any subject area more engaging. ” A nod from a top science magazine to the game many parents wish their kids had never heard of should catch the attention of teachers. This follows Common Sense Media’s seal of approval.

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Using VR to Visualize Complex Information

Ask a Tech Teacher

Virtual Reality is one of the hottest newish education strategies that keeps getting better. Here’s an excellent article from eSchool News about using VR to better understand topics traditionally considered complex: VR helps students visualize complex information. Educators can use virtual reality to bring learning into the real world and improve outcomes for students, assert Shannon Cox, superintendent, and Candice Sears, director of instructional services, both of Montgomery County Educa

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Lessons Learned My First 5 Years Of Teaching

Ask a Tech Teacher

It’s always interesting to find out what new teachers learned in their early teaching that affected their later years. Here’s Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, Elaine Vanessa’s, take on that–5 bits of wisdom she acquired while surviving the early teaching years: My first five years of teaching were the shortest and longest years of my life.

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What You Might Have Missed in August–What’s up in September

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are the most-read posts for the month of August: Tech Ed Resources–Coaching. How to Thank a Teacher. Benefits of a Short Course. Notetaking and Study Apps. Free Keyboarding Posters. Essential Tech Tools for History Class. Habits of Mind. Which Digital Device Should I Use. Lessons Learned my First 5 Years of Teaching. Incorporate Podcasting Into Your Curriculum.

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Classroom Tech Elevates Remote Learning

Ask a Tech Teacher

For over two years, many schools, parents, students, and teachers have struggled with how to teach remotely, and then–when can we go back to in-person learning. The education system is comfortable with teaching students face-to-face. For hundreds of years, that’s how it’s been done, but done right, remote learning is a winner. Here’s EdTech’s take on using classroom tech to elevate remote learning: Classroom tech investments elevate remote learning.

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Tech Ed Resources for your Class–K-8 Keyboard Curriculum

Ask a Tech Teacher

I get a lot of questions from readers about what tech ed resources I use in my classroom so I’m going to take a few days this summer to review them with you. Some are edited and/or written by members of the Ask a Tech Teacher crew. Others, by tech teachers who work with the same publisher I do. All of them, I’ve found well-suited to the task of scaling and differentiating tech skills for age groups, scaffolding learning year-to-year, taking into account the perspectives and norms of

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Public Domain Day and Happy New Year!

Ask a Tech Teacher

Every year, January 1st, is P ublic Domain Day. This is an observance of when copyrights expire and works enter into the public domain–free for all to use. According to Public Domain Review, here are some of the newly-available artistic works you might like a/o January 1, 2022: Click image for interactive content on PublicDomanReview.org. Here’s the sign-up link if the image above doesn’t work: [link].

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Tech Ed Resources for your Class–Digital Citizenship

Ask a Tech Teacher

I get a lot of questions from readers about what tech ed resources I use in my classroom so I’m going to take a few days this summer to review them with you. Some are edited and/or written by members of the Ask a Tech Teacher crew. Others, by tech teachers who work with the same publisher I do. All of them, I’ve found well-suited to the task of scaling and differentiating tech skills for age groups, scaffolding learning year-to-year, taking into account the perspectives and norms of

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100+ Websites on Digital Citizenship

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are popular resources teachers are using to teach about digital citizenship. Click the titles for more links: Avatars. Copyrights and Digital Laws. Curriculum. Applied Digital Skills –all tech skills. Google’s Be Internet Awesome –abbreviated course. K-8, scaffolded, Ask a Tech Teacher (with projects). Cyberbullying. Cybersecurity. Cyber Patriot program –by the Air Force.

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Teacher Tech Training is Critical

Ask a Tech Teacher

Back when I started teaching tech, teachers loved saying that kids knew more than they did, even defer to students to teach. That doesn’t work anymore which means even the most tech-phobic of teachers must step up. Here’s a good article from Yahoo Finance on that: Why Teaching Tech to Teachers Is More Important Than Ever. “With technology, it’s not all or nothing,” says Williams.

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Is it Time for a Social Media Awareness Class?

Ask a Tech Teacher

Christian Miraglia, Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, has some great ideas on teaching kids about Social Media Awareness: Over the last decade, there has been pressure in the K-12 learning environment to create classes that address everything from managing your money to various efforts to address cultural inequalities. The problem with including these classes, which all have good intentions, is that there is not enough time to address these subjects without taking away from core subjects.

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Looking for Summer Activities? Try These

Ask a Tech Teacher

Earlier this week , we posted activities for a summer school student program. Now, we’ll focus on you–what do you want to accomplish with your summer? I’ve collected the most popular AATT articles on how to spend your education time this summer. Pick the ones that suit your purposes: 6 Must-reads for This Summer–2020 edition.

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Has Teaching Changed since the Pandemic?

Ask a Tech Teacher

Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, Christian Miraglia, wrote an interesting article on changes in teaching since the pandemic. I think you’ll find a lot to relate to: Has Teaching Changed Since the Pandemic? March 13, 2019, for many educators in California and nationwide, was a day that will forever be etched in their memories. It was the day that many school districts closed temporarily, or so they thought, due to the spread and uncertainty of COVID-19.

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Need a New Job? Here’s What You Do

Ask a Tech Teacher

You’ve been teaching for five years and love what you’re doing. You consider yourself darn lucky to be working with colleagues that are friends and a boss who always puts your needs first. Most of the teachers at your school have been there years — even decades — and you have no doubt that, too, will be you. So, you don’t bother to keep your resume up-to-date or expand your teaching skills other than what is required for your position.

Robotics 454
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50+ Websites on Keyboarding

Ask a Tech Teacher

Here are a wide variety of resources that teach keyboarding–from games to drills to everything in between: ABCYa–Keyboard challenge—grade level. Alphabet rain game. Alpha Quick –how quickly can a student type the alphabet? Barracuda game. Big Brown Bear. Bubbles game. Digipuzzles –6 keyboarding practice games for youngers. Edutyping –fee-based. Free typing tutor.

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Digital Citizenship Week–Oct. 17-21 2022–Here’s What You Need

Ask a Tech Teacher

Information that will help you teach digital citizenship to your students. Below, you’ll find everything from a full year-long curriculum to professional development for teachers: Resources: Digital Citizenship: What to Teach When (a video). Curricula: K-8 Digital Citizenship Curriculum. More on Digital Citizenship. How to Grow Global Digital Citizens.