August, 2023

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STEM Learning: 50+ STEM Activities Booklets

All About STEM

Calling all educators! STEM Learning has selected over 50 awesome STEM activities for primary and secondary students that can be completed in any classroom, with very little equipment. These can be run outside of normal curriculum time, in a STEM club or as part of a science, mathematics, or D&T lesson. Learners can try mind-bending puzzles, engage in exciting enterprise or design marvellous makes!

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Enhancing Math Proficiency: Unleashing AI Labs and Robots as Engaging Tools

Robot Lab

AI LAB by RobotLAB implementation in Lexington city schools In recent years, concerns have been growing over the declining math proficiency among students in the United States. The ability to comprehend and apply mathematical concepts is not only essential for academic success but also for preparing individuals to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world.


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5 Tips to Bring Joy to Education

Ask a Tech Teacher

Aristotle famously said, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” As a teacher, I have a different opinion. The process of learning should be as joyous as the end result. Luckily, Lainey Franks agrees with me. She is a former educator with 15 years experience in the classroom. In 2022 she became the CEO of Tools for Schools, the developers of Book Creator – an inclusive, creative edtech tool.

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Young Kids in Low-Income Families Get Less Exposure to Math. Can the Right Apps Help?

ED Surge

Recent public debates have focused a spotlight on K-12 math pathways. But there’s been less attention paid to what math skills students need early in life, to set them up for elementary school in the first place. For early learners, exposure to math concepts can be at the mercy of their family’s economic status or related factors like whether their parents are college-educated.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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What is Inquiry-based Learning?

Accelerate Learning

Sparking student engagement, no matter the subject matter, often means meeting students where they’re already at. It’s about tapping into their natural curiosity while motivating them to do the work necessary to learn the lesson. This can be accomplished through projects, group work, games, and inquiry-based instruction. Each of these strategies shares the idea of hands-on learning in some way, but inquiry education takes a unique approach, giving students an increased level of autonomy to help

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September Planning: Mission X (Ages 8-12)

All About STEM

Planning for the next school year? Your learners will love Mission X: Train like an astronaut! Registration starts in September 2023 when ESERO UK will invite students to join the project. Mission X is an international educational challenge, focusing on fitness and nutrition, that encourages students to train like an astronaut. Young people learn the principles of healthy eating and exercise.

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Do You Remember Struggling to Learn?

Computer Science Teacher

Dave Largent, a CS professor at Ball State University, had an important reminder on his blog - Dave's not here, or is he?: Teachers need to struggle to learn ( Our students often (usually?) struggle to learn new things. I think this is especially true in computer science. We as teachers with lots of content knowledge sometimes struggle to be empathetic.

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Teacher’s Practice of Teaching Critical Thinking Through Essay Examples

Ask a Tech Teacher

Teaching Critical Thinking Through Essay Examples: Unlocking Minds We’re exploring a fun classroom adventure where teachers teach us to think carefully and write good essays using examples. Get ready to go on an interesting trip through the world of education. We’ll see how these great teachers turn simple essays into smart thinking tools.

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Experienced Teachers Can Bring Big Value to Schools. Here’s Why They Still Need Support.

ED Surge

When Gorgette Green-Hodnett wrapped up her 21-year career in high school education a couple years ago, her family members celebrated. Not only with well wishes for her new job as a college professor in Maryland, but also with relief that she would no longer be working around the clock. Her family had been glad each time she’d had a non-teaching role throughout her career, but this time her husband was excited at the prospect of finally taking a vacation outside the summer months.

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Harnessing The Power Of Math Manipulatives

Mathematics, a subject steeped in abstract concepts, often poses challenges to students, especially those in grades 5-10. But imagine a bridge that transformed this intricate maze into an interactive adventure.

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Five Ways Virtual Reality is Revolutionizing STEM Learning

Accelerate Learning

As technology continues to change the educational landscape, it’s crucial for educators and decision-makers to be knowledgeable about cutting-edge solutions that can transform teaching and engage students. One of the most exciting new tools in this area is Virtual Reality.

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The Great Student AI Writing Experiment with Steve Dembo

Cool Cat Teacher

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter Are you an educator troubled by the looming question of how AI will impact writing instruction? Look no further. Furthermore, as this experiment unfolds, you'll be interested in the findings' powerful implications on student creativity and expression. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to navigate the future of writing in a world where humans and AI learn to work together to communicate in better ways a

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All About STEM: 6 Week STEM Club Resources

All About STEM

Who said a STEM Club has to run every week? Who said the same students have to attend each session? No-one! That’s why we came up with our Six Week STEM Club Programme! It’s a programme that schools or clubs can repeat every half-term with a different set of learners each time – that means less time needed to plan and resource and more time to engage & excite a wider range of young people!

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Fabulous and fashionable: how the FAB Lab is encouraging fashion entrepreneurs


Fabulous and fashionable: how the FAB Lab is encouraging fashion entrepreneurs Published: Fashion can give you the confidence and power to express yourself. Around the world, people use clothes, jewellery and accessories as a way to celebrate their individuality. But for young fashion enthusiasts who want to create their own fashion business, the competition is tough as high-street brands and online retailers dominate the market.

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Downloadable Design Briefs for an Integrative STEM Curriculum

These easy-to-use design briefs outline student objectives, challenges, and materials needed to complete each 30-minute to 4-hour lesson. ITEEA’s Integrative STEM curriculum, Engineering byDesign, includes many more standards driven hands-on activities just like these!

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9 Mistakes Teachers Make Using Tech in the Classroom

Ask a Tech Teacher

It’s easy to confuse ‘using technology’ with digital tools. Your school passed iPads out to all classes. Some of your colleagues think having students read in this tablet format means they’re integrating technology into their curriculum. Kudos for a good start, but they need to use the tablets to differentiate for student learning styles, enrich learning materials, and turn students into life-long learners.

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Group Project Horror Stories — and How to Avoid Them

ED Surge

If you’ve ever been a student, then you’ve probably done a group project at some point. And you most likely also have a horror story about a group project that went terribly wrong. That trend was clear when EdSurge recently took a microphone to one campus and asked several students to share their group project horror stories. Every student we talked to had one.

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The Magical Yet Growth Mindset STEM Challenge

Carly and Adam

Fostering Growth Mindset in the Classroom with "The Magical Yet" One of the most valuable lessons we can impart to our students is the concept of a growth mindset. This powerful idea emphasizes the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, perseverance, and learning from mistakes. A fantastic resource that helps convey this concept to young learners is the book "The Magical Yet," accompanied by an engaging STEM challenge that reinforces the growth mindset philosophy

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Focus On Your Noble Calling, Teacher. You Matter!

Cool Cat Teacher

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter In an old book from England entitled The Wonderful Window , we see an incredible principle: A London clerk worked in a drab office in the rundown part of the city in an office overlooking the slums. As he observed the surroundings, he determined he would not let his outlook on life be dictated by the dreariness and hopelessness that surrounded him.

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STEM Ambassadors: Got Time To Give Webinar

All About STEM

STEM Learning is hosting a Got Time To Give information session on Monday 4th September from 12:30 – 13:00 for you to find out about virtual tutoring for disadvantaged students with The Access Project. The Access Project has been enabling young people from underrepresented backgrounds to realise their potential for the last 15 years and they encourage STEM ambassadors to volunteer as academic.

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STEM Everyday #251 | The Mobile Maker Van | feat. Paul Shircliff

STEM Everyday Podcast

Paul Shircliff is not your typical makerspace or STEM educator. He doesn’t just know about coding or cardboard or tools or electronics…he knows about ALL of it! And when someone says something about a makerspace, he’s quick to remind that “the real makerspace is between your ears” Paul has been a nuclear engineer, a teacher, and most importantly a maker.

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The Top 5 AI Quiz Builder Tools That Can Transform Your Classroom and Their Benefits

Ask a Tech Teacher

Artificial Intelligence–AI–can greatly assist many mundane education tasks. Tools like Siri, Alexa, ChatGPT, and a plethora of apps seem perfect for handling the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of education that take teachers away from the core of most lessons that require critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. Done right, this sort of collaboration between AI and teacher results in a better outcome for everyone.

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Hoping to Get More of Their Teachers to Try AI, Students Organize a National Conference

ED Surge

Summer is a time for educators to do some learning, and there are plenty of conferences and workshops throughout the season. But one national event for teachers this month had a very unusual trait: It was started and organized by students. The free online conference, called AI x Education , aimed at getting teachers at colleges and high schools up to speed on the latest AI tools like ChatGPT, and to encourage them to try to use them this fall.

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How do bacteria help and harm crops?


How do bacteria help and harm crops? Published: Over half of the world’s population depends on rice as a staple food. However, some bacteria cause diseases that can drastically reduce rice harvests, potentially leading to famine. Meanwhile, other bacteria are beneficial for soybean plants, as they help produce important nutrients. Understanding how bacteria interact with plants is, therefore, essential for preventing plant disease and increasing crop yields.

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Teaching About Generative AI Art Creation

Cool Cat Teacher

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter So many things are happening with Artificial Intelligence right now; much of it is generative AI artwork. This week my students are using Adobe Firefly in a generative AI art competition being held in my classroom. Some. of them had extensive lessons in Adobe Photoshop last spring.

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Teacher Guides: CREST for the New School Year!

All About STEM

CREST can bring a new sense of curiosity and discovery to learners! The CREST Awards scheme is a programme for young people, providing a flexible STEM project framework that engages and inspires 5 to 19 year olds. If you’re a teacher, you can discover how simple it is to run CREST in school via their ‘Getting Started’ guides or you can visit the British Science Association CREST Webinar Centre for.

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Ohio Fifth Graders Flex Their Rocketry Muscles

STEM Education Works

For today’s blog, we have a special treat for you! I recently got a chance to talk to a friend that I met back in my grad school days at Kent State. Edward “Chip” Hawks is a Gifted Intervention Specialist in Kent, OH who organizes and implements STEM programs with students in the Kent City School District. (I actually previously had the opportunity to work with Chip and his students on some podcast projects !

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Lesson Plan #32: Color my Grammar

Ask a Tech Teacher

In this lesson plan, students type several sentences in a word processing program like MS Word. Use the font color palette to label parts of speech, i.e., blue for subject, red for verb. Use sentences from a book they’re reading in class, spelling words they’re working on, or a teacher hand-out. This makes grammar fun. Click on lessons for a full size alternative.

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The Power of Storytelling for Youth

ED Surge

For decades, a nonprofit group called The Moth has produced workshops, events and a popular radio show where people tell transformative stories from their lives. And in 2012, the group started working with high schools, coaching students to turn their stories into polished orations. This year the nonprofit has started sharing those student stories in a new spin-off podcast, called Grown.

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International Dot Day Centers

Carly and Adam

International Dot Day Center Ideas with STEM and Art (STEAM) Have you heard of International Dot Day? Dot Day takes place on September 15th. The inspiration for the day comes from the book, The Dot , by Peter H. Reynolds. In the story, the main character, Vashti, doesn’t believe she can draw. Vashti’s teacher encourages her to just make a mark and see where it takes her.