The Benefits of College and Career Readiness for Middle School Students
Defined Learning
MAY 25, 2023
Defined Learning
MAY 25, 2023
Defined Learning
APRIL 14, 2022
In many schools across the country, we are starting to see an increased focus on the importance of financial literacy. April is Financial Literacy Month, a time to focus on helping students to develop essential skills that will be an important part of their everyday life, not just in the future , but now.
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Defined Learning
FEBRUARY 1, 2024
Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) competencies — such as communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving — are crucial for student success beyond school. Schools and districts must establish, measure, and assess PoG attributes and one easy way to do that is through Project-Based Learning.
Defined Learning
OCTOBER 7, 2022
Now that students are back in the school routine, it is the perfect time to ramp up the energy in your classroom with PBL. October 11 th is International Day of the Girl Child and it provides a good opportunity to make sure your female students are engaging in STEM and being exposed to STEM careers.
Defined Learning
JULY 27, 2023
We continue to hear there is a skill deficiency for young adults coming out of high school and college. Yet, what specific skills are needed and how can learners build those skills in a meaningful way that will help them find their purpose and passion to drive success for the future?
Defined Learning
JANUARY 24, 2024
Learn how Linday Unified School District, a rural school district located in California, created and implemented a competency-based, project-based learning system with the help of Defined Learning.
Defined Learning
JANUARY 9, 2023
For almost a decade I’ve started the school year by asking my urban elementary students to draw a picture of what they think a scientist does at work all day. When I walk around the room, I often see pictures of white-haired men dressed in lab coats working at a lab bench mixing chemicals.
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