Sat.Sep 08, 2018 - Fri.Sep 14, 2018

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New Ways to Gamify Learning

Ask a Tech Teacher

The first thing most teachers think about when discussing gamified learning is the online math games kids play. Maybe and its spelling games come to mind next. But those webtools exemplify where the gamification of education started. Their approach is good but way down the SAMR pyramid to what can be done today, easily, in classrooms.

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Funny Face Picture Prompts Spice Up Class Photos

The Innovative Educator

For most of us we have just two options when it comes to group photos. Say cheese is the standard. Okay, be silly, is next. Second grade teacher Shira Moskivitz has figured out a way to make boring class or staff photos a thing of the past. She has come up with dozens of other picture prompts teachers can use to make this year's class photo stand out.


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Edventure Builder

Technology Tidbits

Edventure Builder is an innovative new site that is perfect for sparking student's creativity by providing a online platform for creating: scavenger hunts, interactive stories, or choose your own adventures. Also, this is a fantastic tool that educators can use to build mobile lessons, interactive tours (think Back to School night or outside activities), and more.

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With Perkins Act signed, new changes and opportunities in career tech education


In late July, President Donald Trump signed into law the reauthorization of the Perkins Act. Called Perkins V, the legislation authorizes federal funding to help increase access to high quality career and technical education for America’s students. To find out what’s in Perkins V, we contacted Advance CTE, a Silver Spring, Maryland-based organization that monitors federal legislation on career and technical education for its members, including STEMx and Battelle.

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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The Case for Positive Reinforcement in Classrooms

Ask a Tech Teacher

Every teacher knows that students do better with positive reinforcement. As tempting as “punishment” might sound when referring to that student who has scrambled your last nerve, to explain consequences of actions in positive terms goes much further toward student success not only in school but in the ongoing effort to build life-long learners. “Positive reinforcement, whether it be with your family, when following laws, or with students, can best be defined as the logical cons

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High School Technology Curriculum Coming!

Ask a Tech Teacher

We’re hard at work on a high school technology curriculum. We’ve had a lot of requests for this and hope to have it available before the holidays.

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We Remember… 9/11

Ask a Tech Teacher

America, we love you.

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Sketch Nation

Technology Tidbits

Sketch Nation is a wonderful free app (iOS/Android) and website for creating games. Sketch Nation reminds me of Pixel Press Floors but w/out the paper. All a student has to do is select their category of game (i.e. platform, jumping, etc) then draw their backgrounds/characters/items and let Sketch Nation do the rest. The advanced level editor will help students create more complex games and work on their STEM skills.

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PhotoPeach for Educators

Technology Tidbits

PhotoPeach is a site I've blogged in the past and is rather popular. It just came to my attention that they now are offering a educational solution for schools. However, this is not a free service but cost effective none the less for a minimal monthly fee. A paid class premium account offers lots of attractive features for education such as: teacher creates student account (no email necessary) commenting is turned off by default students do not have access to social features only teacher can del

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Harnessing The Power Of Math Manipulatives

Mathematics, a subject steeped in abstract concepts, often poses challenges to students, especially those in grades 5-10. But imagine a bridge that transformed this intricate maze into an interactive adventure.

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Reading Racer

Technology Tidbits

Reading Racer is a new iOS app that I just had the pleasure of reviewing. This is an excellent easy-to-use app that uses the mobile device's microphone to "listen" as a student speaks the words on the screen. This is really innovative and separates Reading Racer from other educational apps on the market. Reading Racer is designed for kids ages 5-8 and uses speech recognition as the user speaks the words/sentences as fast as they can.

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Book Creator

Technology Tidbits

Book Creator is a fantastic (iOS/Chrome) app that educators are everywhere to create and share eBooks. This is done using a very user-friendly interface that makes it easy to creating stunning presentations, digital stories w/ the ability to record audio, projects, and more. Teachers are using Book Creator for project based learning, digital storytelling, and much much more.

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Buncee 3.0

Technology Tidbits

Buncee the world's leading digital canvas for education has been hard at work w/ their latest and biggest update, 3.0. Buncee has been used in schools for a number of years in a wide variety of ways such as: digital storytelling, as an assessment tool, differentiating instruction, flipping a lesson, project based learning, and much much more. "Now w/ their latest version, Buncee 3.0 is a fantastic all-in-one-stop-shop for creativity in the entire school community.

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Quick Rubric

Technology Tidbits

Quick Rubric is the wonderful site for creating rubrics from the creators of Storyboard That. This is far and away the easiest site I've seen for creating a beautiful rubric where a user can add a row or a column w/ a tap of an arrow button. Everything inside of the rubric is customizable (i.e. from the heading to customizing points) and a user can save/print out as many rubrics as they need.

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Downloadable Design Briefs for an Integrative STEM Curriculum

These easy-to-use design briefs outline student objectives, challenges, and materials needed to complete each 30-minute to 4-hour lesson. ITEEA’s Integrative STEM curriculum, Engineering byDesign, includes many more standards driven hands-on activities just like these!