Sat.Oct 07, 2023 - Fri.Oct 13, 2023

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Power Up the Learning in the Last Minutes of Class

Middle Web

Don't devote all your class prep time to the start and middle of lessons, says teaching expert Curtis Chandler. Closure is critical if the learning is going to stick. See his wide selection of quick and meaningful wrap-ups to reinforce each lesson, including student favorites. The post Power Up the Learning in the Last Minutes of Class first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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Case Study Resources for Modern Teachers

Ask a Tech Teacher

In education, case studies are widely used as a pedagogical tool to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge. They serve as a bridge between theory and practice, promote active learning and the development of practical skills that improve their teaching methods. Our Ask a Tech Teacher crew has several resources for you to consider when you’re looking for case studies that relate to your next project: Case Study Resources for Modern T


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How to Help Students Avoid Getting Duped Online — and by AI Chatbots

ED Surge

Students these days are terrible at sorting true facts from misinformation online and on social media, many studies show. But it’s not because students aren’t good at critical thinking, argues Mike Caulfield, a research scientist at University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public. Instead, they just need a little bit of guidance on how to approach the flood of text, images and websites they encounter on a daily basis.

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Amazing Apprenticeships: Parent & Carer Packs

All About STEM

Amazing Apprenticeships offer monthly information booklets for parents or carers looking to advise teens about career pathways. The latest Parent Pack includes apprenticeship insights with United Utilities, Career Starter Apprenticeships, how to prepare for the school year ahead, understanding apprenticeships in Law, Army apprenticeships and information on T Levels, Supported Internships and more!

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Can Brain Science Actually Help Make Your Training & Teaching Stick?

Speaker: Andrew Cohen, Founder & CEO of Brainscape

The instructor’s PPT slides are brilliant. You’ve splurged on the expensive interactive courseware. Student engagement is stellar. So… why are half of your students still forgetting everything they learned in just a matter of weeks? It's likely a matter of cognitive science! With so much material to "teach" these days, we often forget to incorporate key proven principles into our curricula — namely active recall, metacognition, spaced repetition, and interleaving practice.

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Research and Out-of-School Time Learning Tips


What is the value of conducting research in out-of-school time learning? What does it tell us? These are some of the questions, STEM Next’s Senior Advisor for Afterschool and Summer Learning, Dr. Holly Miller , recently helped us answer. Published as a Tip sheet for the Engage Every Student initiative, Dr. Miller shares how research can be instrumental in informing funders about the value of afterschool and summer programs, as well as ensure out-of-school program leaders have the data t

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AI in Higher Ed: Using What We Already Know About Good Teaching Practices

ED Surge

How is AI currently utilized in higher education? As of fall 2023, we are still in the early stages of figuring out what AI integration means for higher ed. In some classrooms, such as my own, we talk about what AI can and can’t do. We look at examples of output from large language models (LLMs) and critique how well it did with the responses. Next semester, my students will spend time working with prompt writing, reflecting on LLM output and reflecting on when knowledge and learning matter vers

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Educate Awards: Shortlist Revealed! Outstanding Commitment to STEM Award

All About STEM

All About STEM is proud to be the returning sponsor of the Outstanding Commitment to STEM Award at the 2023 Educate Awards. The shortlisted entrants have just been announced! The Educate Awards is an annual awards ceremony celebrating education within the Liverpool City Region, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire. Now in its twelfth year, the awards have grown due to the volume of entries.

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Using adsorbents to help society


Using adsorbents to help society Published: You will likely have heard of absorption before, but have you heard of adsorption? At the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, USA, Dr Yamil Colón is a chemical and biomolecular engineer studying this important chemical process. His work could help make huge breakthroughs in healthcare, climate change, environment and water scarcity research.

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Are you Ready? Set. STEM!

Box Light

On November 1st, join us for a STEM-tastic day for educators - Ready. Set. STEM: A Day to Spark Inspiration and Innovation ! This virtual conference is the perfect opportunity for educators to gear up for National STEM Day. Ready. Set. STEM will be a day filled with interactive sessions led by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), educators, and ed tech specialists who will share their personal stories, experiences, and answer your questions on how to effectively implement STEM in your classrooms.

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Harnessing The Power Of Math Manipulatives

Mathematics, a subject steeped in abstract concepts, often poses challenges to students, especially those in grades 5-10. But imagine a bridge that transformed this intricate maze into an interactive adventure.

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His Teachers Showed Him Why History Matters. Now He Wants to Pay That Forward.

ED Surge

Plenty of students find social studies lessons a bit dull. Not Caleb Brown. Where some students might see a sequence of dates to memorize, he sees turning points that helped define the world we live in today. Where some might see a long list of presidents whose names and timelines blur together, he sees stories of courage and perseverance. Where some see bloody battles and impassioned speeches that no longer seem relevant, he sees a chance to understand what we’ve been through and where we’re go

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Careers & Enterprise Company: Work It Videos

All About STEM

Brought to you by The Careers & Enterprise Company, this series of career talks are from young people to young people. The video collection focuses on the transition from education to work, preparing for work experience and the working world. All clips cover a range of sectors, ages (19-25), experiences and transition points. New videos are added regularly and there are now over 30 clips to choose.

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Teach Up for Equity and Excellence

Defined Learning

For marginalized students especially, we need to move from a “pedagogy of poverty” to a “pedagogy of plenty.” Education consultant and ASCD author Carol Ann Tomlinson advocates for educators to “teach up”—to plan differentiated instruction that provides equitable access to “high ceilings” of learning and scaffolding that enables a wide range of learners to succeed.

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Cyber security for the AI age


Cyber security for the AI age Published: As the digital world grows in power and complexity, so do the threats it faces. There is a constant arms race between cyber security and cyber criminals, both rushing to outcompete the other in sophistication. This means that the field of cyber security is rapidly growing and hungry for new talent that can understand the evolving threat landscape and respond accordingly by embracing new technologies, says Dr Burcu Bulgurcu at Toronto Metropolitan Universi

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Downloadable Design Briefs for an Integrative STEM Curriculum

These easy-to-use design briefs outline student objectives, challenges, and materials needed to complete each 30-minute to 4-hour lesson. ITEEA’s Integrative STEM curriculum, Engineering byDesign, includes many more standards driven hands-on activities just like these!

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The Future of Democracy Depends on a Quality Civics Education

ED Surge

Right now, millions of students around the country are comfortably in their seats for the 2023-24 school year. Meanwhile, almost 40 percent of the American public still contest the results of a free and fair election, and with the 2024 federal election around the corner, political polarization in the United States seems neverending, leaving democracy in an arguably fragile state.

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ESERO: Mars Day 2024!

All About STEM

ESERO-UK, a programme funded by STEM Learning, ESA and the UK Space Agency, is preparing for Mars Day 2024. Your class or STEM Club can join them for a spectacular and exciting programme of events! As part of the Mars Day 2024 mission, schools are invited to host space activities in classrooms alongside fellow schools nationwide for Mars Hour 24. There will also be a range of live and virtual.

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Helping Kids Develop Good Questions

Starfish Education

When kids develop their own questions, they often lack a clear question or a well-defined problem. Follow this strategy to help kids develop good questions!

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STEM Everyday #254 | The 3 Modes of Making | feat. Matt Zigler

STEM Everyday Podcast

Matt Zigler is a teacher, artist, and maker. He is currently the Bullis Innovation and Technology Lab (BITlab) Coordinator at Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland, where he works with students and teachers to bring design thinking and the Maker process into traditional content area classes, teach Maker related classes, and oversees a state of the art Makerspace and Fab Lab.

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Top 5: A Quiet Revolution in Math and Affordable Teacher Housing Among Most-Read Topics of Sept 2023

ED Surge

Here’s a look at the top EdSurge stories for September, as the new school year kicked off. Our coverage of new approaches to math education drew the most interest from readers, with two different features exploring how to rethink calculus making our Top 5. Also topping the chart was an in-depth look at one school district’s effort to build affordable housing for its teachers; an op-ed on how to provide students what they want in online college courses; and an article on an effort to use new AI t

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NEW CREST Bronze Award: Disease, Development & Diagnostics

All About STEM

If you’re looking for a new STEM project for your learners, take a look at the NEW Bronze Award from CREST! Bronze Awards are typically completed by students aged 11+. They complete a ten-hour project which is a perfect introduction to STEM project work. When completing this award, teams of students design their own investigation, record their findings, and reflect on their learnings.

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I Need My Monster STEM Challenge

Carly and Adam

Integrate STEM in your classroom this Halloween with a Monster STEM Challenge ! In the story I Need My Monster the boy’s monster Gabe leaves to go fishing. Challenge your students to design a replacement monster for the boy while his monster is away. Material List: 1 Container of Play-Doh 10 Toothpicks 4 Pipe Cleaners Googly Eyes STEM Journal I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll After reading I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll challenge your students to create a new monster for the boy.

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Pro AV Best in Market 2023 Awards: Clevertouch by Boxlight Solutions Win!

Box Light

Our award-winning solutions continue to help shape the future of interactive technology and foster classroom innovation.

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Oct 13, Scientific Notation Rules

Online Math for All

Scientific Notation Rules - Concept - Problems with step by step explanation

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STEM Clubs Quality Mark: Roll of Honour

All About STEM

It’s time to celebrate more of our North West schools as the next set of STEM Clubs Quality Mark digital badges and certificates have been awarded! STEM Learning’s STEM Club Quality Mark recognises the exceptional provision you the club leader, your department and your school offer young people by enriching the STEM curriculum. The SCQM provides a framework for success assisting schools to.

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Solar Eclipse STEM Challenge and Activities

Carly and Adam

Solar eclipses are awe-inspiring celestial events that captivate people's imagination and curiosity. They offer a unique opportunity for educators and parents to engage children in hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities that not only make learning fun but also deepen their understanding of the solar system. In this blog post, we'll explore exciting STEM challenges and activities related to solar eclipses, including creating a paper plate model and constructi

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4 Books Worth the Time of New School Leaders

Middle Web

“I read professional books like movie critics watch films: with a critical lens and respect for my time,” writes veteran principal Matt Renwick. “If I am going to dedicate hours to a text that is supposed to help me improve as an educational leader, it needs to deliver.” The post 4 Books Worth the Time of New School Leaders first appeared on MiddleWeb.

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A growth-focused icebreaker

Robert Talbert, Ph.D.

This is a repost from the Grading For Growth blog , where David Clark and I write about alternative grading methods every Monday. It resonated with a lot of folks, so here it is again – with some additional new thoughts at the end. I hate icebreakers. I don’t use that word “hate” often or lightly. But here, it’s justified.

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Understanding NGSS Standards for Elementary and Middle School

Kid Spark Education

A complete guide to NGSS with everything you need to know about the Next Generation Science Standards. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have transformed STEM education across the U.S. In this article, we’ll answer the most common questions about NGSS and explore what the Next Generation Science Standards are, their purpose and benefits, and how to find STEM curriculum for elementary and middle school that aligns with NGSS practices.

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An Easy Way to Help You Plan for STEM

Teachers are Terrific

I promise your planning is going to be so much easier with this revelation I found with planning and my youngest engineers! It’s almost like peanut butter and jelly! Books and STEM just go together! It’s the greatest discovery ever. Let me share some ways that you can try today! I have pairs of picture books set and STEM Challenge ideas that you can do with your first and second graders with materials you already have in your classroom!