Background: In my science methods courses I recently started offering a final project where students get to “choose their own adventure” and select from a menu of options for their final project. Students can also pitch an idea that is not on the menu. Recently one of my students, Wemen Siep, decided to write a short piece to advocate for the importance of elementary science. In class we had discussed that there are many elementary classrooms where very little science is taught. Wemen had some things to say about this.

Wemen is multilingual and just recently came to the US to become a teacher. I asked him if it was OK for me to publish his work on my blog. He said, “Of course.” Here is what he submitted.

The Importance of Teaching Elementary Science

by Wemen Siep

My school was in a village far away from town. There was no internet, car, or transportation. I was struggling with my elementary school because there were not teachers enough to handle students (teaching). I did not learn a lot of things about any subjects, especially science. Even though I am from a small village, I don’t give up fighting and study hard to go forward to achieve my dream. After I finished elementary school in the village, move to another town which is called Wamena City and I finished middle school and high school. After I finish, I got scholarships from my government to study in the US and I finish my associate degree from Everett Community College I transfer to Highline 2022 to finish my BAS. Now, I realize and understand the importance of teaching science in elementary schools. I will teach my future students three main points important in teaching science in elementary schools.

Photo by RDNE Stock project on

The first important skill set, which is science, teaches children necessary skills that they can use in other areas of their lives. I know that science helps children develop problem-solving skills and motivates them toward a lifelong interest in the natural world. I will also motivate my students that developing skills is important because it allows them to improve attributes and qualities vital to effective workplace performance. By developing these skills, they can also begin their path to personal development, which can help them maximize their potential and achieve their career goals. For example, my students are able to take data on how plants can grow.

The second important aspect of science is creative exploration which is young minds are creative, innovative, and full of ideas. Science nurtures these aspects of the brain. Science dominates our lives and presents society with tremendous opportunities and tremendous challenges. If I want my students to take those opportunities and meet those challenges, I must teach them science at the elementary level and continue to do so at the secondary level. I want my students to be able to do anything and I as an educator support their ability or skills that they have.

In conclusion, elementary school students are naturally curious, which makes science an ideal subject for them to learn. Science allows students to explore their world and discover new things. It is also an active subject, containing activities such as hands-on labs and experiments. Science is an important part of the foundation for education for all children.

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I’m Kirk

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