Check out the article below from The 74 by the incredible Dr. Tiffany Neill that describes how an elementary school in Louisiana did a crazy thing…they started systematically teaching science in all of the grade levels. And spoiler alert- the outcomes for students were pretty great.


The article describes how Central Intermediate School near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, implemented science materials where students engaged in phenomenon-driven science instruction, where they explored observable events like the behavior of magnets to understand scientific principles. This approach aligns with the 2012 Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards, emphasizing science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and core science ideas. This is pretty much considered best practice in science instruction…yet not all students have access to this type of science learning- especially in the elementary grades.


The students not only gained confidence in discussing scientific ideas but also enhanced their communication and reasoning skills. Teachers noted improved writing abilities, with students crafting more in-depth responses supported by evidence. The curriculum’s focus on phenomena relevant to students’ everyday experiences fostered curiosity and a wealth of background knowledge, contributing to their motivation and confidence.

Check the full article out below. It is a quick but powerful read and this text could be used as another key story in our ongoing K-5 science advocacy work.

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I’m Kirk

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