OTT 59: Implementing New Habits in the Classroom for the New Year

Today we will be talking about the power of habit building and the impact habits can have on your results. We will talk about an excellent book titled Atomic Habits by James Clear. You will find that just a 1% change can have a compounded interest on your desired result. I hope you'll join me.

Creating new habits in the classroom can be just as beneficial as they are in your personal goals. Surprisingly, it only takes a small amount of change to your habits to create a massive result.

You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. ~James Clear

Think about the habits in your classroom that you currently have in place. How are they working? What would you like to see improve?

Recap of what James says is the best way to change a behavior: {Make your habits…}

  1. Obvious

  2. Attractive

  3. Easier

  4. Satisfying

If you want to break a habit…

  1. Make it invisible

  2. Make it unattractive

  3. Make it harder

  4. Make it unsatisfying

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Atomic Habits by James Clear

{This is an affiliate link. It doesn’t change the cost to you, but it does give me pennies on your purchase.}

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OTT 59: Implementing New Habits in the Classroom for the New Year

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