WestED has a short report titled NGSS Instruction: A Powerful Lever for Equitable Learning, Language Development, and Learning in Other Subjects. This concise 4 page brief provides take-always and lessons learned from the supported implementation of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) in multiple K-8 settings. The evaluation brief provides ideas such as:

  • Focusing on science in students’ lives and cultures engages them
  • Science supports language development
  • Science integrates effectively with other core subjects.

The report highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing NGSS. It acknowledges that shifting to NGSS-aligned instruction requires significant changes in teaching practices, curriculum development, and assessment strategies. The report emphasizes the need for teacher support and professional development to ensure successful implementation. It also suggests potential benefits, such as increased student engagement, improved scientific literacy, and better preparation for college and careers in science-related fields. The report concludes by emphasizing the importance of collaboration among educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to effectively implement NGSS and enhance science education nationwide. This feels like a valuable guide for educators, administrators, and policymakers involved in the implementation and assessment of the NGSS in any context. Check it out.

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I’m Kirk

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