OTT 42: Organizing Your Classroom

OTT 42: Organizing Your Classroom

Today we will be talking about all things organization. This topic can be pretty tricky for those of us who are not necessarily gifted in this area. {I do like to keep the following quote in mind when my space gets less than tidy. LOL}

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk? ~ Albert Einstein

On the other hand, when you have to spend your time looking for things, it is less time you have to be productive. So here are some suggestions of things you will want to keep organized and how to accomplish that task.

On today’s show we will talk all about how to keep track of your to-do list and get your room organized and read to run smoothly. I hope you stick around.

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OTT 43: First Week Activities for Back-to-School


OTT 41: Classroom Set Up