OTT 16: Making Learning Fun and The Value of Opening Our Doors

OTT 16: Making Learning Fun and The Value of Opening Our Doors

Making learning fun in the classroom brings a higher level of engagement and happiness to your students. From dressing up as writing characters to incorporate games into your math curriculum, spicing up the learning environment can really add value to your classroom. In this week’s episode, guest Math Mojo, Alexis Sergi shares the importance of making learning fun.

Alexis also shares the untapped potential of opening up the doors to our classrooms and learning from one another. Teachers have so much to offer. So why are we not learning more from one another? Usually, the answer is time. Join us as we discuss these two important topics.

We don’t often get to take a peek into anyone else’s class and see how they run things. It’s amazing what we could learn from one another. That’s probably the biggest untapped potential in American education today. ~Alexis Sergi (Math Mojo)

Links From the Show:

Episode 15: Engaging Students with Chris Kesler

Episode 8: Team Rapport: The Power of Team Work with Melanie Redden

Math Mojo on TpT

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OTT 17: Cell Phones in the Classroom


OTT 15: Engaging Students With Chris Kesler