On Fridays and Earthworms

For the last decade Fridays have tended to be a “work from home” day for me. I usually don’t have college courses to teach on Fridays. School districts usually don’t hold professional development on Fridays. So that leaves me with Fridays at home.

I tend to plan Fridays out as administrative days so that my administrative assistant (me) can send invoices, mileage reimbursements, return emails, sign contracts, etc. I also will save grading for Fridays. I find it easier to get in a groove of grading when it’s just me and a couple of sleeping cats in the house.

Another of my Friday moves is to take a morning walk. I don’t always get the luxury of a morning walk during the week so I look forward to it. My route tends to have fewer people out in the morning and I enjoy the solitude.

This morning the roads and the trail were damp from an early morning rain. There is a section of the trail where I walk that will sometimes get covered in earthworms after a rain. It’s one of those phenomena that reminds me of staring at the night sky- and as you stare you keep seeing new stars that you couldn’t see earlier. As I focused on the trail I kept seeing more and more earthworms- many of them tiny and a few pretty large.

I stopped on the trail. Pulled out my phone. Turned it upside down so the lens was low to the ground and captured an image of this particular large worm. It was moving fast (for a worm)- as if it had noticed me and wanted to avoid an encounter. Or as if it knew the trail would be drying out soon and it didn’t want to get stranded on a rapidly warming paved trail.

So here are some pictures of a worm for your Friday enjoyment.

  • What do you notice?
  • What do you wonder?


One response to “On Fridays and Earthworms”

  1. Mitch Batoff Avatar
    Mitch Batoff

    See the ESS unit on Eartworms.

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I’m Kirk

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