OTT 195: 5 easy ways to integrate art and science into your reading block

OTT 195: 5 easy ways to integrate art and science into your reading block

Art and science may seem like two completely different subjects, but they actually have a lot in common. Both art and science involve creative thinking, careful observation, and the ability to communicate ideas. As a result, integrating art and science into the reading block can be a great way to engage students and encourage them to think critically about the text. Listen in to hear five easy ways to do it.

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OTT 193: 3 Brilliant Ideas for Integrating the Arts to Regulate the Elementary Classroom

OTT 194: How Can the Brilliance of Arts Integration Transform Your Elementary Classroom?

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OTT 196: The Importance of Teaching Science


OTT 194: How Can the Brilliance of Arts Integration Transform Your Elementary Classroom?