If you’ve followed this blog for awhile then you know that I’m a big fan of Derek Muller’s Veritasium YouTube channel. I’ve probably shared more of Derek’s videos than anything else on this site.

So for a random Thursday here is a brand new video that tells the story of how the blue LED was designed by Shuji Nakamura. I love stories about challenging design work and perseverance- and this story has all of that plus you will probably learn a little something along the way.

This is a longer video and to be honest it watches more like an episode of a science & engineering documentary (which I love). Derek does a masterful job of weaving the story of the design and the designer Shuji Nakamura with the science of LEDs. Great work from Derek and his team. I look forward to more content like this.

Click HERE or watch the video embedded below. Enjoy.

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I’m Kirk

Welcome to Science for All. This is a site where I share some of my favorite science and STEM education resources. I’ll also write the occasional personal post or opinion about education in general. I hope you enjoy your time here and that you always leave with something helpful.

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