A recent article from Hechinger Report provides some support to the idea that learning science in elementary grades isn’t only important because kids get exposed to science…but learning science might also improve reading comprehension. The article features the current work on the “Science of Reading” and the idea of Knowledge Building. I have to admit that I worry that this work could take us back to a time when we are solely reading about science in elementary grades (like back when I was an elementary student). But I hope that we can leverage this current focus on science learning in K-5 to promote a combination of science reading coupled with authentic science learning experiences. This could provide K-5 students with not only background knowledge but experiences that provide engagement, build their science/STEM identities, and empower them as problem-solvers.

Click HERE to read the Hechinger Report article.

Photo by George Milton on Pexels.com

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I’m Kirk

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