The Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship (AEF) Program offers a distinctive opportunity for accomplished educators in the K-12 sector who specialize in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This initiative allows them to contribute their expertise to the broader national education landscape. Throughout an eleven-month placement, fellows engage with Federal agencies or U.S. Congressional offices, leveraging their overall classroom experience and knowledge to support national education programs and educational policy endeavors. By the end of the Fellowship, participants gain access to a nationwide network of education leaders and programs and a jump-start into STEM leadership.

The application window is currently open and materials are due November 16, 2023. You will need to set up an account and apply HERE. Good luck to all who apply.

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I’m Kirk

Welcome to Science for All. This is a site where I share some of my favorite science and STEM education resources. I’ll also write the occasional personal post or opinion about education in general. I hope you enjoy your time here and that you always leave with something helpful.

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