
CSULA and GEAR UP Program Bootcamps Inspire Los Angeles Students

Joshua Frisch • Jul 21, 2020

As organizations scramble to find ways to connect with middle school and high school students through summer bootcamps and afterschool programs , the partnership between the California State University Los Angeles (CSULA) Pathways program and Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) GEAR UP program has been immensely successful, even in the age of COVID-19

Engaging Students Through Online STEAM Learning 

CTeLearning helped lead STEAM bootcamps in July for the LAUSD Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) program. GEAR UP is a Department of Education program that provides six-year or seven-year grants to partners to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools , often with an emphasis on STEM programs . GEAR UP grantees serve students beginning no later than seventh grade and follow them through high school. GEAR UP programs support early intervention that helps students improve academic performance, increase educational expectations, and prepare for postsecondary education

Students in the bootcamps learned coding, design, marketing, career skills and more over the four day bootcamps held entirely over Zoom . They were led by Steve Waddell, founder and lead developer of CTeLearning, and Daniel Foreman, senior lead developer of CTeLearning, as well as a terrific team from the CSULA Pathways program and mentors from the Los Angeles Unified School District GEAR UP program. The bootcamps engaged students, leveraging the art aspect of STEAM learning in teaching students how to create online spinner apps they could share with their family and friends or even continue to develop to market and sell. 


This fun, hands-on and highly interactive online experience taught students with no prior coding or design experience the basics of web and mobile app development . Students progressed through a series of self-directed course activities rich with videos, animation and cloud-based art tools and coding sandboxes to allow them to create, experiment and play with their code and app graphics like professionals. The GEAR UP bootcamps assumed that none of the students had any prior experience with coding or art, so the media-rich tutorials ensured all students had the tools to learn what they needed to be successful. 

Campers who needed extra help were invited into Zoom breakout rooms where CSULA Pathways team members worked one-on-one to give each camper what they needed to succeed creating their apps and be ready for the big app launch party on day four. 

Day one and day four of the bootcamps were MC’d by humanoid robots “Kapono” and “Ethica,” which are part of CSULA’s Charter College of Education’s (CCOE) outreach team. The campers loved meeting with the CCOE robots and learning about coding, robotics and how the robots can dance “Gangnam Style.” Some students even danced along with the CCOE robots. Most importantly, the CCOE team showed students how robots and coding are tied together and can be a fantastic potential career path. 

Students in the GEAR UP program learned how fidget spinners are used by youth and adults alike to help with concentration and anxiety, and how Daniel, Steve and some of their development team members use them when working long hours on coding projects. Many of the students shared their spinners with other students and facilitators, talking about how they help them stay a bit less fidgety. 

Getting Students Excited About Coding, Design and More 

How did we engage middle schoolers in a four-day online bootcamp? By combining coding, mathematics, app design, marketing, digital graphics, physics, and psychology—all with a twist of entrepreneurship and a whole lot of fun. Students got excited about the possibilities of coding and design, and one of the most exciting moments for many of them was when they each held up their phones so the other students and facilitators could see their apps in real-time.

Students had the following to say about the bootcamps:

  • “The camp was overall just a fun experience and one of my favorites. One thing I mainly liked about it was that the professors were always talking and telling small stories while showing the steps of the code, which kept me more interested in the course.”
  • “The thing about this course that made it fun was drawing. I have never drawn online, only on paper. In my opinion I think that drawing online was pretty fun!” 
  • “I really felt proud when I first saw my app work. I was impressed and relieved that I understood how to do it. I was relieved because I thought I was doing something wrong but I wasn’t. I was proud because I have never done an app before and I finally made one.”
  • “When I saw my app working for the first time I felt so great! It was so simple yet it brought me closer to creating a big game that a lot of people would play! After the meeting ended I immediately went to my mom and showed her what I had created.”
  • “I want to make another app because I thought making my spinner app was really fun and interesting for me! I would describe the bootcamp as an amazing opportunity for kids to try new things and make something!”
  • “The first person I showed it to was my mother, who knew my dream of making my own game. She told me it was amazing and that I was talented, then said she’ll be expecting me to make money for them. I showed my sister next, who said she was impressed and that it won’t be long till I make a famous game. The children in my home wanted it downloaded on their tablets so they could play, they really liked it. I felt so proud of myself!”

Wendi Vaughn, Program Coordinator of CSULA GO STEAM / GEAR UP, praised the bootcamp, saying “It was really cool to watch the students interact and learn new technology from dynamic instructors located in different regions of the globe! I know the students were having fun when they opted to stay during the second hour, which was not required. They really cared about completing their projects.”

Wendy Bradley, Academic Counselor for GEAR UP 4 LA, talked about the impact of the bootcamp: “I taught middle school science for 20 years. I remember attending various science workshops and always having to struggle to get my hands on the equipment or be heard by the male science teachers. I was so encouraged during the Cal State LA STEAM bootcamp. The girls were bold, curious and not afraid to ask questions. All of the students made amazing progress in 4 days. They went from being unsure to being in control of their own problem-solving process. We have come a long way! Great experience for all!” 

Steve Waddell, who helped create the bootcamp and lead the students through it, said, “Years ago, when we developed our own cloud-based creative suite and coding environment, we made sure that students could immediately share their work with others. Just two quick clicks of the mouse and they are sharing their work with whoever they want. There is something magical when a student can create and share nearly instantly with friends and family. It is one thing to hear praise from us teachers, but praise from moms, dads, uncles, aunts, siblings and friends takes that digital project and turns it into something truly real in the learner’s mind. It is a huge moment for students, and Daniel and I had so much fun running the bootcamps. We appreciate CSULA Pathways and the GEAR UP program for the kindness of letting us be a part of this.”

Daniel Foreman, the other CTeLearning web developer and bootcamp leader, said “Through the interactive bootcamp course we created, any teacher team can recreate this experience. We simply treated all the bootcampers as extended development team members. Steve and I shared developer stories and gave the students the chance to see that developers and creators are just like them. Just a bit older and more experienced, but still having fun building and creating web and mobile apps for everyone to use. Oh, and getting paid to do it.” 

The Web Professionals Organization (—the non-profit professional association dedicated to the support of individuals and organizations in the industry—endorsed the bootcamps as youth career and workforce building programs .  And this isn’t the first time CTeLearning has partnered with CSULA to bring hybrid and fully online courses to students in the Los Angeles area. Two years ago CSULA worked with CTeLearning to engage over 120 middle school students in an extended series of summer, afterschool and weekend hybrid/online programs on web games, apps and entrepreneurship. 

Learn More About Engaging Your Students With a GEAR UP Program Bootcamp

The CTeLearning team works with GEAR Up programs to offer innovative, engaging and meaningful bootcamps for students to learn new skills. 

Middle and high school bootcamps from include:

  • Spinner App (Coding, Digital Graphics, Physics, Target Markets)
  • Augmented Reality App (Coding, 2D and 3D Graphics, Hardware)
  • Your First Business Web Page (Coding, Graphics & Logos, Writing for the Web)
  • Web and Mobile Game “Retro Breaking” (Coding, Game Mechanics, Angles, Target Markets)
  • Voice Controlled App (Coding, Web Technologies, Graphics, User Experience)
  • Bucket of Frogs (Coding, Physics, Game Play,  Target Markets)

Contact us today for more information on how we can help you get students excited about STEAM through our courseware with  international industry-recognized certification prep and support for secondary, post-secondary and workforce programs

Get in touch with us today!

You can book a demo directly using Calendly, call us directly at 913-764-4272 or 877-828-1216, or submit the form below and we will reach out to you.

We look forward to helping you and your students.

students with STEM certifications

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By Steve Waddell 07 Jun, 2024
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Contact us today by clicking here or calling us at 913-764-4272.
By Steve Waddell 25 May, 2024
For the past few years, members of the CTeLearning team have been helping Web Professionals Global in running the national SkillsUSA competition in Atlanta, GA. Last year, we branched out into assisting with state competitions that prepare students for the national competition. Since we started working directly with states in 2022, we have seen the level of competition improve significantly at both the state level and national level. Students are better prepared than ever to hit the ground running on day one and contribute to team success. In the spring of 2024 we helped facilitate competitions in Washington, South Carolina, Arizona, Rhode Island, Vermont, Texas, Nevada, Florida, Kentucky, Kansas, Oregon, Oklahoma and Illinois. Web Professionals Global does all the heavy lifting and supplies the state SkillsUSA events with the following: Online web design exam similar to what the competitors might see at nationals Competition project with client assets and judging rubric Handouts for competitors with overview and links to resources Online development environment “IDE” for each competitive team Support for judges and competition chairs CTeLearning’s big contribution is loaning our CloudCodePro IDE (integrated development environment) so that each competitor has their own online coding environment that is connected to our TeacherView. This allows the judges to have live access, making it easier for them to judge each team’s work. We also loan Steve, and he ends up roping some of our other team members in to help as needed. We enjoy doing our part to help the State SkillsUSA programs. We are glad that we get to partner with Web Professionals Global and help them deliver a turnkey competition that not only makes running the state competitions easier (rather than have the burden of creating the competition from scratch), but also models the national event so the state teams get a feel for the rigor of the national competition, whether students are participating in-person or remotely. Using our CloudCodePro IDE with the TeacherView also helps encourage judge participation. This is often due to needing to travel across the state and be out of the office a day or two. Our model gives states the chance to have judges assess participants from anywhere in the state. Many states struggle with getting industry help, let alone people willing to commit to hanging around late to judge. We make it easy for judges to participate from anywhere. The Day of the Competition Let’s look at how the IL competition ran to see how our package makes life easier for the teams, volunteers and judges that make each state competition happen. The Illinois competition on April 25, 2024 is representative of what other state SkillsUSA programs experience when they work with CTeLearning and Web Professionals Global. First, the Illinois SkillsUSA team contacted us to schedule the state competition and receive the competition kit. In the following days, the Illinois SkillsUSA team met with our team to get trained on what to expect on the day of the competition and how to ensure it went smoothly. On the day of the competition, teams showed up to the venue and received handouts outlining how the competition would run. This included an introductory video outlining the online development environments (although most teams don’t need to review much as many are already with online coding environments *such as VSCode ). The team members also logged into their IDE to make sure they were ready to go when the competition began. The IDE also contained the client assets along with a readme file explaining what each team needs to focus on if they want to win the competition (for example, make certain to preview your work to verify images are linked properly). Students were then introduced to their client for the competition and began to analyze the client’s needs, target audience and images and logos they would be using. After this introduction, students began the competition in their teams and started building their websites. Teams are not allowed to use frameworks of any sort (or help from AI), and doing so results in disqualification. We want competitors to use their knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding of responsive design, web accessibility and much more. Relying on a framework can hamper this demonstration as frameworks can be relied upon as a crutch. Upon completion of the competition, the judges used the online judging system that we provided. This included a fair and easy-to-use rubric for judging the work of each team. Judges are able to review all teams' work from a single view and can examine the end result or the code directly in the browser. This system ensures a transparent judging process that is consistent with the process that winning teams experience at the national competition. The winners of the Illinois competition were then submitted to the national competition and invited to participate in June. Chat With Us We are proud to be a part of this growing network of state competitions. Feel free to get in touch with us by clicking here or calling us at 913-764-4272 to learn more and have your state take advantage of our solution next year.
By Steve Waddell 25 Apr, 2024
As school choice gains traction across the United States, an increasing number of parents are exploring educational options that extend beyond the traditional public school system. In addition to public schools, private, parochial, charter and Christian schools are increasingly recognizing the shift in student interests away from four-year universities towards more career-oriented education pathways that mitigate the risk of debt. This trend is driving parents towards schools that offer robust career and technical education (CTE) programs alongside the traditional core curriculum and character education found in charter, private, religious, and schools supported through school voucher programs. Career and technical education, when done right, is highly multidisciplinary. Technical skills are merged with history, math, and science and wrapped with the soft skills to better prepare learners for a more complex job market and future. Every career requires technical skills to get hired, but soft skills is what keeps professionals employed and allows them to move up the career ladder. Studies show that a lack of hands-on career exploration in high school is a critical gap, leaving many students unsure about their future paths and more likely to require significant adjustments to their educational trajectories post high school. How We Help At CTeLearning, we specialize in offering a diverse array of CTE courses designed to address these challenges. Our courses are ideal for schools of choice who are looking for easy to facilitate curricula taught by their educators so they can maintain their educational standards. CTE differs from traditional education by focusing on practical, hands-on experiences tailored to specific career pathways. This approach helps bridge the gap between education and employment, equipping learners with the skills and insights needed to thrive in the workforce. Our courses enable schools—including private, parochial, charter and Christian institutions—to provide engaging CTE curricula that expose students to potential career pathways, starting as early as middle school. Our courses include the technical skills and soft skills that industry expects. Each of our curricula include two soft skills modules: Ethics in the Workplace and Critical Thinking in the Workplace. These two interactive modules help fill gaps that many students seem to have in core career skills. To help students get career and college ready, these modules enable your learners to earn industry micro-credentials they can add to their resumes or a college entrance application. Our experience working with students and teachers shows that the project-based learning (PBL) approach is important. The best way to amplify PBL is to emphasize experiential learning and hands-on practical engagement. We enhance PBL by weaving in industry professionals who introduce important concepts and give context to the work and experiences the curriculum offers. By offering students direct engagement with industry professionals and real workplace environments, CTE programs enhance learning retention and deepen students' understanding of how theoretical concepts apply in practical settings. Our curricula are designed to allow students to learn at their own pace while building real-world projects and gain firsthand experience. Students beginning to identify their interests and career goals early on is crucial for making informed decisions in their educational journeys. Families of students in CTE programs report high levels of satisfaction, noting the effective guidance in career readiness that CTE provides, in stark contrast to traditional education pathways. Furthermore, CTE programs contribute to higher graduation rates, with students more likely to graduate on time compared to their peers in traditional settings. These programs also close the skills gap in the U.S. economy by aligning curriculum with workforce needs, ensuring that graduates are prepared for high-demand occupations in fields like web design, game design, coding, sustainability, animation, marketing and robotics. Our approach allows educators to better prepare and future-proof their students. Industry studies tell us that soft skills, ethics, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, time management and personal leadership are what industry needs, yet these skills seem to be harder and harder to find in graduating students. Taking the time to develop critical thinking within a career context prepares students not just for specific jobs but any career pathway. The world as we know it has a high rate of change and seems to be accelerating. This makes it seemingly impossible for educators to keep up. The turbulence of change makes curricular choices for educators more and more stressful. Our teachers know they can trust us to make sure that they remain on the cutting edge of what industry is looking for, continually updating curricula to reflect the latest industry trends and practices. Teachers and parents around the country are looking for ways to stand out and show more options for learners who may have varied educational trajectories. Foundationally, all parents want their children to learn in an environment that builds their character, confidence, knowledge and readiness for their futures. They want their kids to be adaptable, resilient and independent. Overall, the continual growth of school choice is closely linked to the growing appreciation for CTE as a vital educational pathway. This approach not only meets the immediate training needs of students but also prepares them for long-term career success, making it an attractive option for parents and students alike who are seeking practical, debt-free education alternatives. It is tough being a parent these days. It is tough being an educator these days. Let us make things easier for your school, your teachers and in turn better for your students. Contact us today to find out how we can help by clicking here or calling us at 913-764-4272. Interested in learning more? Check out our recent blog post on the importance of career and technical education.
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