CREST Awards: Webinars & Help Centre
February 20th 2023

CREST Awards: Webinars & Help Centre

When completing a CREST Award project, students can take on the roles of scientists, researchers, engineers and designers to pursue their own ideas!

The CREST Webinar Centre hosts informative videos for teachers on Primary and Secondary CREST Awards, the curriculum and careers.

Take a look at some of the highlights below and visit the CREST Webinar Centre to view all of the videos available.

CREST in the Secondary Curriculum – How to build open-ended investigative CREST projects into lesson time


CREST in the Primary Curriculum – How you can use CREST resources as part of the curriculum


Standing Out – How CREST can bolster your CVs, UCAS and other applications


CREST Help Centre

CREST offers comprehensive Getting Started Guides for educators interested in running CREST in school along with the support of the CREST Help Centre.

The CREST Help Centre has detailed information on every aspect of creating and managing CREST Awards.

Click to explore!

As North West Regional CREST Support OrganisationAll About STEM promote CREST Awards across the region and point schools & clubs to the support they need to run this amazing scheme. CREST Awards encourage students to work like scientists, researchers, engineers and designers to investigate and explore their own project ideas.

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Selena Ledgerton Selena Ledgerton
Selena Ledgerton Web, Media & Marketing Manager e: [email protected]