Supporting students who are struggling academically as an educator can be challenging. Poor grades often signal an underlying issue that may go beyond the student’s understanding of the material, such as an external stressor or lack of motivation. It can also signal something more like a learning disability.

Whatever the case, low grades can impact a student’s motivation and self-esteem leading to a cycle of poor performance. Here are a few effective strategies to help support students with bad grades and improve their academic performance.

Understand the Root Cause of Performance

The first step in supporting students with bad grades is to identify the root cause of why they are struggling. Talk with the student to explore any possible external influences like social challenges, family issues, or any mental health concerns affecting their academic performance.

Next, you can conduct informal or formal assessments to pinpoint any deficiencies in knowledge or skills or to check for any learning disabilities. Once you’ve found the underlined issue, then you can develop strategies to support the student.

Set Realistic Goals

Once the issue is identified, talk with the student to set a few achievable goals. To boost the student’s confidence, these goals should be small and incremental, allowing the student to experience success in small steps rather than setting unattainable goals and facing discouragement.

For example, improving a grade from 65 to 75 may be the first goal, followed by an 80, then 85, and so on. Additionally, breaking larger or longer assignments into smaller or shorter more manageable ones and then providing feedback after each stage may benefit struggling students.

Establish Study and Organizational Skills

Students who have poor organizational skills or who do not practice good study habits often struggle academically. To enhance students’ study and organizational skills, offer tips by hosting a workshop during study hall or after school. Teach students how to manage their time and assignments, study for tests, and take good notes. Possessing these skills and study habits will enhance students’ academic performance in school.

Utilize Technology

Technology can be a useful tool in supporting students with bad grades. Many educational apps offer students a personalized learning experience with help clarifying complex concepts and giving students instant feedback which can help them stay engaged and on track.

Additionally, technology can cater to a range of diverse learning styles because of the range of tools and resources that are available. By incorporating technology into your lessons, you are offering a supportive and adaptable learning environment for students with are struggling academically.

Develop Abilities through a Growth Mindset

According to research from Carol Dweck and others, your intelligence and talents are not set in stone but can grow and improve over time with hard work and perseverance. Fostering this mindset in students who are struggling academically may help shift their understanding, leading to motivation, better choices, and improved grades.

Recognizing and celebrating small improvements in students’ work can help reinforce their actions and lead to positive changes. Over time, students with a growth mindset will become more engaged and motivated and believe in themselves and their efforts.

Encourage Active Learning

Create activities where students are actively involved in the learning process. This will help them retain and understand information better, which can lead to an improvement in grades. Hands-on interactive lessons keep students engaged. Utilize technology with Smartboards, educational apps, and other digital tools where students can bring abstract concepts to life.

Group projects are another way to get students actively involved, not to mention they learn valuable skills such as how to communicate and collaborate with others, divide tasks, manage roles, and collectively solve problems.

Personalize Learning

Personalizing learning is an effective strategy for improving grades because it allows teachers to tailor each student’s learning experience to their style, pace, interest, or ability. By understanding these elements, you can create a learning experience for students based on their diverse needs which can potentially lead to better grades.

Create a Positive Learning Environment

Creating a positive, supportive classroom atmosphere can enhance student learning. It can also influence their motivation and self-confidence. Use positive reinforcement and recognize and celebrate student achievement. Create an inclusive classroom where everyone feels respected and valued.

By fostering this type of learning environment, students are more likely to feel comfortable enough to be actively engaged, take risks, and collaborate with their classmates. By supporting and valuing each student, you are building a foundation of trust, which can lead to improved grades.

Get Parents Involved

Supporting students who are struggling with their grades often means keeping an open line of communication with parents about their child’s progress in the classroom. Having support both at home and in the classroom will make the student feel valued and may help increase their motivation and self-esteem.

To foster effective parent-teacher communication, regularly update parents on their child’s progress, schedule online or in-person conferences, utilize apps or online portals and offer parents volunteer opportunities to get more involved in their child’s education.

Offer Emotional and Mental Health Support

Students with poor grades often feel discouraged and stressed which can hinder their ability to perform well academically. To ensure students are getting the emotional support they need, offer access to counseling services, social-emotional learning programs, and the school psychologist. By providing support, students will be able to address their feelings and boost their grades.

Supporting students with bad grades requires a comprehensive approach that includes understanding the student’s individual needs, adapting your teaching strategies, and creating a supportive learning environment. By employing these strategies, you can turn challenging moments into opportunities for growth and success.