Back to School Team Building STEM Challenge with Group Roles

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to foster teamwork among students, especially when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Collaboration is a cornerstone of success in the modern world, and building teamwork skills at an early age not only enhances academic learning but also prepares students for future careers. One of the best ways to ensure that all students are invested and participating equally is by introducing group roles and giving students a chance to practice those roles in the context of a STEM challenge.

What are STEM Group Roles?

During a STEM group challenge, assigning specific roles to team members can enhance collaboration and ensure that each member contributes to the project's success. Here are some common STEM group roles:

Team Captain:

  • Makes sure all group members are on task and participating

  • Makes the final group decisions after team discussions

  • Asks the teacher for help when needed

  • Encourages team members

Head Architect:

  • Draws the group plan

  • Decides what parts of the design each team member will build

  • Makes sure that the design meets all of the requirements

  • Decides when the design is ready for testing

Testing Coordinator:

  • Decides How to test

  • Determines if more testing will be needed

  • Makes sure that all tests are conducted safely and accurately

  • Decides what role each team member will play during testing

Materials Manager:

  • Collects and organizes materials

  • Understands and communicates the correct uses for each material

  • Makes sure all group members are using the materials safely and correctly

Team Building STEM Challenge

Once students have been introduced to the different roles, assign each student a role and give them the opportunity to practice their role during a STEM challenge like the teamwork tower building challenge.

For this challenge students will need the following materials.

Material List:

  • Index Cards

  • Markers (a different color for each student)

  • Eraser by Anna Kang (optional)

Before beginning the activity Read the book Eraser by Anna Kang and discuss the following questions with students:

What does it mean to be part of a team?

How do we show teamwork? What does it look and sound like?

What is the opposite of teamwork? What should we do if someone is not being a team player?

After discussing with students what teamwork is and is not have them brainstorm some of their own ideas. Give each team a set of index cards. Divide the index cards evenly among each person in the group. Each student should write words that describe teamwork on their cards using their own color of marker to show that everyone participated equally. Younger students can draw their ideas.

After completing their index cards students will work together as a team to build the tallest tower.

Have more questions or need additional resources?

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