Summer Games STEM Challenges for 3-5 (Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade)

Don’t just teach about the Summer Olympics with your upper elementary students! Engage them in a hands-on learning experience with STEM!

The Olympics offer a dynamic setting for interactive learning, particularly for students from third to fifth grade. These global games provide an opportunity to explore essential STEM concepts through practical activities, while also encouraging teamwork, and a broader understanding of the world.

Educators and parents can leverage the enthusiasm surrounding the Summer Olympics to motivate students in third through fifth grade in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

5 Summer Olympics STEM Challenges for Upper Elementary

1. Build a Skateboard and Course

2. Create a Field Hockey Stick and Goal

3. Make a Wind-Powered Sail Boat

4. Design a Mini Golf Hole

5. Build a Bow for the Archery Competition

1. Skateboarding STEM Challenge

The Skateboarding STEM Activity engages students in creating and personalizing a miniature skateboard and building a skatepark to showcase their fingerboarding talents. This project not only draws on their creativity and engineering skills but also offers a hands-on exploration of physics concepts like force, motion, and friction. It provides an exciting connection to the dynamic sport of skateboarding featured in the Summer Olympics, fostering teamwork, innovation, and active learning.

2. Field Hockey STEM Challenge

The Field Hockey STEM Activity plunges students into designing and constructing their own field hockey sticks and goals for a tabletop game. This educational challenge merges the excitement of the Summer Olympics with practical engineering, prompting students to use design and physics principles to make functional sports equipment. It cultivates creativity, problem-solving skills, and a deeper appreciation for field hockey, marrying the sport's competitive nature with the collaborative spirit of STEM learning.

3. Sailing STEM Challenge

The Summer Olympics Sailing STEM Activity invites students to design and build sailboats that efficiently travel through water using wind from handheld fans. This educational activity promotes creativity and problem-solving while highlighting the value of teamwork and innovation. Students engage directly with physics and design principles, offering a hands-on experience that reflects the competitive and cooperative essence of the Summer Games.

4. Mini Golf STEM Challenge

The Golf STEM Challenge invites students to take on the exciting project of designing and building a mini golf course hole, as well as creating their own golf club. This hands-on activity has students using their engineering and creative thinking abilities while exploring design, physics, and mathematics principles to create a playable and engaging mini golf experience.

5. Archery STEM Challenge

The Archery STEM Activity encourages students to explore the realm of archery by engineering their own bows to fire Q-tip arrows at targets. This challenge incorporates physics principles, especially Newton's third law of motion, as students investigate force and reaction to refine the precision and accuracy of their shots. This hands-on learning opportunity not only fosters creativity and enhances problem-solving abilities but also offers a practical application of scientific laws, all set against the thrilling backdrop of the Summer Games.

The Summer Olympics present a perfect chance to blend STEM education with sports, culture, and global citizenship. By involving third through fifth-grade students in interactive, hands-on STEM activities related to the Olympics, educators and parents can cultivate a passion for learning and instill Olympic values of excellence, friendship, and respect. So let the games commence, and let the spirit of the Olympics motivate the next wave of STEM enthusiasts!

Engage your students in the Summer Olympics with STEM Challenges!

Check out the Summer Games STEM Challenges Bundle, Perfect for Third Grade, Fourth Grade, and Fifth Grade!

Looking for Summer Olympic STEM Challenges for Grades K-2?

Check out the K-2 Summer Games STEM Challenges Bundle, Perfect for Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade!

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You can get all 500+ STEM Challenges by Carly and Adam as part of the STEM Teachers Club Membership. Save $5 on your first month using coupon Code: CarlyAndAdamBlog.

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