The Upcycled Plastic Bag Bracelet Challenge for Elementary Students

You can download lesson plans for One Plastic Bag and 500+ more STEM Challenges in Carly and Adam’s STEM Teachers Club.

In an era where environmental consciousness is more important than ever, we have a unique opportunity to instill values of sustainability and creativity in our students.

The Upcycled Bracelet Challenge, inspired by the impactful story One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia, serves as an excellent project to commemorate Earth Day while educating young minds about recycling and upcycling.

This blog post delves into five key aspects of integrating this meaningful activity into your classroom.

  1. Upcycling and Environmental Responsibility

Begin by discussing the concept of upcycling and its significance in combating environmental issues.

Introduce students to the story behind "One Plastic Bag," which tells the tale of how one woman's initiative to recycle plastic bags transformed her community. This real-life example can inspire students to think about the impact of their actions on the planet.

2. Embrace STEM Through Creative Recycling Projects

The Upcycled Bracelet Challenge is not just an art project; it's a STEM activity that encourages problem-solving, design thinking, and perseverance.

By creating something beautiful and useful from discarded materials, students apply scientific thinking to create a keepsake bracelet to remind them of the importance of recycling and reusing everyday materials.

3. Use Simple Materials

Our lesson plan uses only a few simple materials that you probably have lying around at home or in your classroom.

Material List:

  • Scissors

  • Plastic Bags

  • Tape

  • One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul (Recommended)

4. Foster a Classroom Culture of Sustainability

You can use the Upcycled Bracelet Challenge as a springboard for a wider conversation about sustainability.

Discuss ways to incorporate environmental stewardship into everyday activities, such as recycling programs, eco-friendly crafts, and energy-saving practices. Share tips on creating a green classroom environment that reflects these values.

5. Expand the Impact Beyond the Classroom.

By integrating the Upcycled Bracelet Challenge into your curriculum, you not only provide a hands-on learning experience but also contribute to the development of environmentally conscious individuals.

This Earth Day, let's commit to teaching our students the value of recycling, the power of creativity, and the importance of taking care of our planet.

Have more questions or need additional resources?

You can get all 500+ STEM Challenges by Carly and Adam as part of the STEM Teachers Club Membership. Save $5 on your first month using coupon Code: CarlyAndAdamBlog.

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