6 Books and STEM Challenges to Teach About Groundhog Day

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Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?

Groundhog Day is celebrated every February 2nd and it is the perfect time to engage your elementary students in STEM and maker learning. 

According to tradition, if a groundhog comes out of its hole on Groundhog Day and sees its shadow, we are in for six more weeks of winter weather. If the groundhog does not see his shadow, it means an early spring. 

We have put together a list of 6 books and STEM challenges to teach about Groundhog Day in your classroom:

Groundhog Day Books and STEM challenges for elementary students

Groundhog Day books for Elementary Students:

  1. Groundhog Weather School by Joan Holub

  2. Groundhog Gets a Say by Pamela Curtis Swallow 

  3. Gregory’s Shadow by Don Freeman

  4. Substitute Groundhog by Pat Miller

  5. The Night Before Groundhog Day by Natasha Wing

  6. Groundhog Day! by Gail Gibbons

Groundhog Weather School

Do your students have what it takes to be a weather forecaster? In the book Groundhog Weather School by Joan Holub, Professor Groundhog opens a school to teach other groundhogs how to assist in predicting the weather each February. This groundhog story is full of details about groundhogs and the traditions of Groundhog Day. 

Have your students take on the role of a meteorologist by trying some of these weather activities.

Groundhog Gets a Say

Groundhog Gets a Say by Pamela Curtis Swallow is the story of a groundhog who isn’t happy about having only one day for celebrating groundhogs. Groundhog emerges from his hole on February 3rd only to find that no one is around to celebrate his noteworthy qualities. This book explores what a groundhog is, what it eats, and why we should have more than just one day dedicated to the furry animal. 

Have your students investigate groundhog burrows by trying some of these activities.

Gregory’s Shadow

Gregory’s Shadow by Don Freeman is the story of Gregory the Groundhog. It explores the tradition of Groundhog Day from the point of view of the shadow. Gregory is a shy groundhog who loses his shadow one day. Your students can explore the traditions of Groundhog Day and the role shadows play while Gregory and his shadow work to find each other again. 

Have your students explore light and shadows by trying some of these activities.

Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day! by Gail Gibbons explores the origins of the traditions of Groundhog Day. This story explores everything you need to know about groundhogs and this unusual holiday. 

Add some additional creativity to your Groundhog Day celebration by incorporating creativity challenges. The goal of a creativity challenge is to help students think outside the box.

In a creativity challenge, students are presented with a problem they have to solve using their creativity. Typically these challenges are short, lasting anywhere from 3-10 minutes. By implementing these challenges on a regular basis, students are able to exercise their creative muscles.

Download the Groundhog Day Creativity Challenges.

Substitute Groundhog

Substitute Groundhog by Pat Miller is the story of a groundhog who comes down with the flu just before his big day. Groundhog Day cannot be canceled, so he hosts auditions for a replacement. As all of the local animals show up to try out, groundhog realizes he needs to be more and more specific when it comes to his substitute requirements. Turns out, he found his replacement in the most unlikely visitor. Groundhog Day was saved by an armadillo. 

The Night Before Groundhog Day

The anticipation of Groundhog Day is building in The Night Before Groundhog Day by Natasha Wing. The children are learning and exploring groundhog day as they wait for February 2nd. Your students can follow along as the entire town celebrates the traditions of Groundhog Day while hoping for spring. 

Need More Groundhog Day STEM Challenge Ideas?

Keep the creativity and hand-on learning going with done for you Groundhog Day STEM challenges that pair well with any groundhog read aloud.

Get the Groundhog Day STEM Bundle!

For more STEM ideas, inspiration, and collaboration with other STEM teachers be sure to join our FREE Facebook group Elementary STEM Teachers Club!

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