Compare the following pairs of ratios :

Question 1 :

2 : 3 and 5 : 3

Question 2 :

3 : 5 and 4 : 7

Question 3 :

3 : 4 and 5 : 6

Question 4 :

5 : 12 and 7 : 18

Question 5 :

1.2 : 1.5 and 2 : 5

Question 6 :

1 : 2.5 and 1.5 : 4.5

Question 7 :

2⅓ : 3 and 3.6 : 4.8

1. Answer :

2 : 3 = 2/3

5 : 3 = 5/3

The fractions 2/3 and 5/3 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

2 < 5


2/3 < 5/3

2 : 3 < 5 : 3

2. Answer :

3 : 5 = 3/5

4 : 7 = 4/7

The fractions 3/5 and 4/7 do not have the same denominator.

Least common multiple of the denominators (5, 7) = 35.

Make the denominators of the fractions as 35 using multiplication.

3/5 = (3x7/5x7) = 21/35

4/7 = (4x5/7x5) = 20/35

The fractions 21/35 and 20/35 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

21 > 20


21/35 > 20/35

3/5 > 4/7

3 : 5 > 4 : 7

3. Answer :

3 : 4 = 3/4

5 : 6 = 5/6

The fractions 3/4 and 5/6 do not have the same denominator.

Least common multiple of the denominators (4, 6) = 12.

Make the denominators of the fractions as 35 using multiplication.

3/4 = (3x3/4x3) = 9/12

5/6 = (5x2/6x2) = 10/12

The fractions 9/12 and 10/12 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

9 < 10


9/12 < 10/12

3/4 < 5/6

3 : 4 < 5 : 6

4. Answer :

5 : 12 = 5/12

7 : 18 = 7/18

The fractions 5/12 and 7/18 do not have the same denominator.

Least common multiple of the denominators (12, 18) = 36.

Make the denominators of the fractions as 36 using multiplication.

5/12 = (5x3/12x3) = 15/36

7/18 = (7x2/18x2) = 14/36

The fractions 15/36 and 14/36 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

15 > 14


15/36 < 14/36

5/12 < 7/18

5 : 12 < 7 : 18

5. Answer :

1.2 : 1.5 = 1.2/1.5

= (1.2x10)/(1.5x10)

= 12/15

= 4/5

2 : 5 = 2/5

The fractions 4/5 and 2/5 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

4 > 2


4/5 < 2/5

1.2 :  1.5 > 2 : 5

6. Answer :

1 : 2.5 = 1/2.5

= (1x10)/(2.5x10)

= 10/25

= 2/5

1.5 : 4.5 = 1.5/4.5

= (1.5x10)/(4.5x10)

= 15/45

= 1/3

The fractions 2/5 and 1/3 do not have the same denominator.

Least common multiple of the denominators (5, 3) = 15.

Make the denominators of the fractions as 35 using multiplication.

2/5 = (2x3/5x3) = 6/15

1/3 = (1x3/3x5) = 3/15

The fractions 6/15 and 3/15 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

6 > 3


6/15 > 3/15

2/5 > 1/5

1 : 2.5 > 1.5 : 4.5

7. Answer :

⅓ : 3  = 7/3 : 10/3

= 7 : 10

= 7/10

3.6 : 4.8 = 3.6/4.8

= 36/48

= 3/4

The fractions 7/10 and 3/4 do not have the same denominator.

Least common multiple of the denominators (10, 4) = 20.

Make the denominators of the fractions as 20 using multiplication.

7/10 = (7x2/10x2) = 14/20

3/4 = (3x5/4x5) = 15/20

The fractions 14/20 and 15/20 have the same denominator.

Compare the numerators.

14 < 15


14/20 < 15/20

7/10 < 3/4

2⅓ : 3  < 3.6 : 4.8

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