Meaning of Derivative

Derivative measures amount of change in one variable with respect to the change happening in another variable.

Let us consider the two variables x and y such that y is depending on x.

Then, the derivative y with respect to x is


Power Rule of Derivative

Power rule or basic rule of derivative is the tool to find the derivative of y with respect to x where y is dependent variable and x is independent variable. That is, y is depending on x.

y = xn

To get the derivative of xn with respect to x, we have to bring the exponent n in front of x and subtract 1 from the exponent.

dy/dx = nxn - 1

Example 1 :

Find dy/dx, if y = x3.

Solution :

y = x3

dy/dx = 3x3 - 1

= 3x2

Example 2 :

Find dy/dx, if y = x2. 

Solution :

y = x2

dy/dx = 2x2 - 1

= 2x1

= 2x

Example 3 :

Find dy/dx, if y = x. 

Solution :

y = x

y = x1

dy/dx = 1x1 - 1

= 1x0

= 1(1)

= 1

Example 4 :

Find dy/dx, if y = x.

Solution :

y = x

y = x1/2

dy/dx = (1/2)x1/2 - 1

= (1/2)x-1/2

= 1/(2x1/2)

= 1/(2x)

Constant Coefficient Rule

The derivative of a variable with a constant coefficient is equal to the constant times the derivative of the variable.

That is if there is a variable x with the constant in multiplication or division, we will keep the constant as it is and find the derivative of the variable alone.

Example 5 :

Find dy/dx, if y = 5x3 + 3x2.

Solution :

y = 5x3 + 3x2

Using the Power rule of derivative,

dy/dx = 5(3x3 - 1) + 3(2x2 - 1)

= 5(3x2) + 3(2x1)

= 15x2 + 6x

Example 6 :

Find dy/dx, if y = x3/3.

Solution :

y = x3/3

Using the Power rule of derivative,

dy/dx = (3x3 - 1)/3

= (3x2)/3

= (3/3)x2

= x2

Example 7 :

Find dy/dx, if y = -7/x2.

y = -7/x2

y = -7x -2

Using the Power rule of derivative,

dy/dx = -7(-2x -2 - 1)

= -7(-2x -3)

= -7(-2/x 3)

= 14/x 3

Example 8 :

Find dy/dx, if y = 5x3 + 3.

y = 5x3 + 3

In the function above, we have two constants 5 and 3. The constant 5 is multiplied by the variable x3 and 3 is staying alone without the variable.

When we find the derivative of f(x) = 5x3 + 3, we have to keep the constant 5 as it is. Because 5 is multiplied by the variable x3. The derivative of 3 is zero, because it is not with the variable.

y = 5x3 - 3

Using the Power rule of derivative,

dy/dx = 5(3x3 - 1) - 0

= 5(3x2)

= 15x2

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