How to teach creativity to kids

In today's fast-paced world, creativity is a crucial skill that can empower children to be innovative problem solvers, critical thinkers, and successful individuals.

As elementary teachers, we play a pivotal role in fostering creativity in our students. This blog post explores strategies for teaching creativity and offers tips for incorporating these techniques into your classroom.

7 Tips for Teaching Creativity to Elementary Students:

  1. Encourage Curiosity and exploration.

  2. Promote Collaboration and Teamwork.

  3. Integrate Arts and Creativity.

  4. Embrace Mistakes and Celebrate Failures.

  5. Teach Creativity Problem Solving Techniques.

  6. Provide Time for Reflection.

  7. Be a Role Model for Creativity.

1. Encourage curiosity and exploration.

To cultivate creativity in your students, create a learning environment that encourages curiosity and exploration.


Foster a sense of wonder by asking open-ended questions and allowing students to find their own answers. Provide hands-on experiences and opportunities for students to experiment with new ideas, materials, and techniques.

Creating an engaging makerspace in your classroom can do just that.

2. Promote collaboration and teamwork.

Encourage students to work together on projects and activities that require communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills.

teaching elementary students to collaborate

This not only fosters creativity but also teaches the importance of collaboration and teamwork.

By providing opportunities for choice and autonomy, you help students develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning.

3. Integrate arts and creativity.

Integrating art, music, drama, and creative writing into various subject areas can help students make connections between different disciplines and develop their creative thinking skills.

stem teacher summit

Join us June 29 - July 1, 2023 for the Art of STEAM Online Conference to learn more! This conference is included with all 250+ STEM Lessons and Creativity Challenges in the STEM Teachers Club Membership.

4. Embrace mistakes and celebrate failures

Teach students that mistakes and failures are an essential part of the creative process. Help students develop a growth mindset by encouraging them to embrace challenges, persevere through obstacles, and view learning as an ongoing process.

This mindset promotes creativity by empowering students to believe in their ability to grow and improve their skills.

5. Teach creative problem-solving techniques.

Introduce students to various creative problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and lateral thinking.

Creativity Challenges by Carly and Adam

Creativity Challenges by Carly and Adam

Encourage them to apply these methods to both academic and real-life situations, helping them develop the habit of thinking creatively in different contexts.

You can use Creativity Challenges to help students think outside the box.

6. Provide time for reflection.

Regularly give students time to reflect on their creative processes, challenges they faced, and the progress they made.

Encourage them to evaluate their work critically and set goals for future projects, fostering an ongoing commitment to creative growth.

7. Be a role model for creativity

As a teacher, you have the opportunity to model creativity for your students. Share your own creative pursuits, be open to new ideas, and demonstrate a willingness to take risks and learn from your mistakes.

This sets a positive example for your students and shows them that creativity is an essential life skill.

Cultivating creativity in the elementary classroom is a critical aspect of a well-rounded education. By implementing these strategies, you can help your students develop their creative thinking skills

Have more questions or need additional resources?

You can get all 250+ STEM Challenges by Carly and Adam as part of the STEM Teachers Club Membership. Save $5 on your first month using coupon Code: CarlyAndAdamBlog.

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