The Best STEM Boxes for Kids

What are Read-Aloud STEM Kits?

Read-Aloud STEM Kits are like a bridge between the enchanting world of storytelling and hands-on STEM exploration. These STEM Boxes are the perfect tool for teachers and parents on a quest for engaging learning experiences!

In today's world, where screens often compete for our kids' attention, finding a way to kindle their love for reading and spark their curiosity in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) can feel like a real challenge.

But guess what? We've teamed up with Pitsco Education and STEAMBright Co. to create something truly magical – Read-Aloud STEM Kits!

Why Read-Aloud STEM Kits?

When you can captivate students by the possibility of something new and imaginative, it can easily lead to opportunities for learning in STEM, design, and making. This can happen by adding read alouds to your STEM challenges (and vice versa, when you extend a read aloud and give learners the chance to design and create in response to stories). 

There are several benefits to this approach which include connecting content, building literacy skills, providing a context for STEM and making, and promoting a love of reading.

What is Included in the STEM Kits?

Each Read-Aloud STEM Kit includes a getting started section to build background knowledge about the book, a creativity challenge, two STEM/STEAM challenges, and a writing extension.

Kits for at home use come with the book and all of the materials needed to complete the challenges. At home kits can be purchased from STEAMBright Co.

Classroom kits also come with all of the materials and have the option to include the book as well. Classroom kits can be purchased from Pitsco Education.

The combination of captivating stories and hands-on STEM activities creates an irresistible recipe for engagement, making every moment a chance to nurture curiosity and build vital skills.

Whether you're a teacher looking to ignite a passion in your students or a parent eager to embark on memorable learning adventures at home, Read-Aloud STEM Boxes can be a powerful tool to unlocking your learners’ imagination as they build a love of reading and learning.

Explore Read-Aloud STEM Kits for the Classroom

Explore Read-Aloud STEM Kits for At Home

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