Updates: Dr. Barbara Ericson awarded ACM SIGCSE 2022 Outstanding Contributions to Education

February 24, 2022 at 7:00 am 2 comments

March 2-5 is the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium for 2022 in Providence, RI. (Schedule is here.) I am absolutely thrilled that my collaborator, co-author, and wife is receiving the Outstanding Contributions to Education award! She is giving a keynote on Friday morning. Her abstract is below.

She’s got more papers there, on CS Awesome, on her ebooks, and on Sisters Rise Up. I’m not going to summarize them here. I’ll let you look them up in the schedule.

A couple of observations about the SIGCSE Awards this year that I love. Both Barb and the Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community awardee, Simon, earned their PhD’s later in life, both within the last 10 years. Barb is the first Assistant Professor to win the Outstanding Contributions award in the 40 year history of the award.

I have one Lightning Talk. The work I’m doing these days is computing education, but it’s not in the mainstream of CS education — I focus on computing education for people who don’t want to study CS. So, I’m doing a five minute lightning talk on Teaspoon languages as provocation to come talk to me about this approach to integrating computing into non-CS subjects. You can see the YouTube version here. This is my attempt to show that each Teaspoon language can be learned in 10 minutes — I describe all of two of them in less than five minutes!

Outstanding Contribution Plenary

Friday, March 4 / 8:15 – 9:45

Ballroom A-E (RICC)

Barbara Ericson (University of Michigan)

Improving Diversity in Computing through Increased Access and Success

My goal is to increase diversity in computing. In this talk I explain why diversity is important to me. My strategy to improve diversity is to increase access and success. This work includes teacher professional development, summer camps, weekend workshops with youth serving organizations, curriculum development, helping states make systemic changes to computing education, publicizing gender and race issues in Advanced Placement Computer Science, creating free and interactive ebooks, testing new types of practice problems/tools, and offering near-peer mentoring programs.

Barbara Ericson is an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. She conducts research at the intersection of computing education, the learning sciences and HCI, to improve students’ access to and success in computing. With her husband and colleague, Dr. Mark Guzdial, she received the 2010 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for their work on media computation. She was the 2012 winner of the A. Richard Newton Educator Award for her efforts to attract more females to computing. She is also an ACM Distinguished Member for Outstanding Educational Contributions to Computing.

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Updates: NSF Funding to Study Learning with Teaspoon Languages for Discrete Mathematics Updates: Workshop on Contextualized Approaches to Introduction to Computing, from the Center for Inclusive Computing at Northeastern University

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Oladele Campbell  |  February 24, 2022 at 8:20 am

    What an achievement! A well-deserved recognition of her labours towards encouraging many into CS. Congrats, I wish you more success in such endeavours, Dr Barb.

  • 2. alanone1  |  February 24, 2022 at 9:33 am

    Hi Mark

    Great congrats to Barb! No one deserves this more!


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