Employer Feedback: Host a Y12 Research Placement or Experience
May 17th 2024

Employer Feedback: Host a Y12 Research Placement or Experience

Employers – You can inspire the next STEM generation and your future workforce by hosting a Year 12 Research Placement or Experience!

There are 5-day or 2-week placement options available and students are bright, capable and can complete a variety of tasks.

Take a look at the employer feedback below, see the difference your placement could make to young people and get involved!

“Inspiring the future generation into the field of research and developing their transferable skills was something I felt would be of great benefit to the students. It would also give them the glow and joy of what research can bring and hopefully spark their interest in a subject area.” – Placement Provider

Find out more about the benefits of hosting a placement.

Research Placements and Experiences in the North West 

Although a national programme, Research Placements and Experiences are managed by a network of regional coordinators.  This means there can be slight differences, for example with application submission dates, in how the programme runs in each area.

For information specific to our North West region, please use the links below: 

Information for organisations interested in, or planning to, host a student placement

Information for students wishing to apply to, or teachers planning to promote, the programme in the North West.

For further information, you can contact our team directly: [email protected] 

Research Placements & Experiences are funded by the Nuffield Foundation and delivered by STEM Learning.

All About STEM works on lots of exciting STEM projects. As part of the STEM Learning family, we are Research Placement and Experience Coordinator for the North West and a STEM Ambassadors Partner supporting the National STEM Ambassadors Programme via the STEM Ambassadors Community.

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